About the journey

November 19, 2020

Let’s have a different spin on ‘client results’ shall we? There are a tonne of ‘my client made $100k today!’ posts. And I get it! They’re sexy!
A lot of people hire their coaches based on the results their clients have got – it’s great social proof. But you know what I noticed? Everyone talks about what their clients achieve, but not so much about how they feel during the process
As an introvert or sensitive entrepreneur, this is actually really important for your success and your energy! For example my 1:1 clients spend over 16 hours on Zoom with me during their package. 16 hours. Plus contact in between on Voxer. So it’s really important for them that this time FEELS good too (because who wants epic results but no energy to build on it further?)
I have a serial client (she’s been through my entire product suite) & on our last call we laughed about how she keeps coming back to me
When I asked her why, her answer surprised me. She didn’t mention her consistent 5 figure months, her fully booked 1:1 practice, her speaking & media gigs. Instead she said: “For me it’s your experience – it’s how in control you are of the session. How you can hold me in that space & I feel really safe. I know you’re going to guide me… it’s like, it’s kind of like you know what’s going on on a higher level – I don’t know if that makes sense?! I feel like you’re so aware of so many things on so many different levels that you can intuitively guide me to where I need to go, without me needing to tell you. It’s your honesty, your experience, and your wealth of knowledge. I feel like you’ve got so many tools.”
Now I love marketing to bits & I am 100% for everyone sharing results! But as introverts it’s important for us to remember it’s not the whole story – the journey to those results is key too
What’s the one thing you look for in a coach that’s NOT results related?