I owe you an apology

July 12, 2021

A few months ago I carried out some market research amongst my audience. One thing
which came back over & over was how they all hate money posts. They’re sick
of people talking about 5 figure months, 6 figure years & 7 figure businesses.

In fact it was one of the things that annoyed them most about online business.

Now I love to listen to my audience closely & ensure I’m providing as much free
content as possible that is useful to them, & more importantly that they
WANT to consume (between my blog, The Ambitious Introvert™ Podcast, The
Ambitious Introvert™ Network Facebook Group, my weekly newsletter & all my
social media posts, there’s quite a lot).

I’m a sensitive soul & I hate the thought of anyone feeling uncomfortable. So I duly
noted the data & steered away from the unpopular money posts.

But then I started to notice a trend.

People in my community – ones I was getting to know, building relationships with, people
who said things like ‘oh I love your content, I would love to work with you one

Over & over I saw they were investing in the very coaches posting the content
which apparently they don’t like.

And not ‘one day’. Like, yesterday.


Everyone seems to be complaining about programs to get to £10k months, or coaches
sharing their own revenue, but then also go on to work with them?

Honestly I was upset, frustrated & confused.

I had a big old cry on a call with my own coach about it.

And then I went into investigator mode…

I reached out to a number of those people & asked why?

Why did they choose that coach? Was the money talk that enticing? What’s going on?!

It turns out those people fell into 2 camps…

Some admitted they were hugely triggered by money posts – because they aren’t
getting those results themselves. They make them feel inadequate, behind, &
like a failure. So while they hate the posts, they still want that outcome for

The others DO openly want those kinds of financial results themselves – but not
just for the sake of it. They see it flashed around on Instagram & they
think it’s ick. Hollow figures feel inauthentic & shallow to us introverts
& sensitives at times, but the difference is – these folk had made the
connection beyond the money.

They saw the money for what it is – a resource that enables you to create more of what
you want.

This is the same approach my clients & myself have, which I’ll explain a little
further down.

But based on everything I’ve learnt this week, I’ve decided I’m going to talk a lot more
about money, because…

Those people who are triggered – I want them to get comfortable reading about money.
This leads to being comfortable talking about it, & in turn being
comfortable making it. Which is why you have a business. 

Business is defined as “an organisation or enterprising entity engaged in commercial,
industrial, or professional activities, & also refers to the organised
efforts and activities of individuals to produce and sell goods and services
for profit.”

It’s impossible to have profit without revenue.

Where this becomes powerful is what you want to USE the profit for. Realising it’s
not just ‘money for money’s sake’.

Some ways my clients & I decide to use our profits include…

Donating a percentage to social causes
Sending their autistic child to a private specialist school
Replacing their salary & leaving their toxic employer
Creating wealth to pass to their children
Re-investing in their business to scale so they can reach more people & create more
change within their sector

Forming a nonprofit

We also use it for lifestyle reasons such as:

Funding a house move
Buying a horse
Creating a location independent business
Buying only high quality, sustainable, eco friendly items in line with their core values
Working only when their children are at school

None of these are any more or less valid than the others – I’m sharing this to
illustrate that my clients don’t just want money so they can brag about it on
their social media (& no judgement to those who do – I’m sure they’re using
their money for good too, even though we don’t see that. We never know the full

But I know 100% my coaching can compete, if not beat, many of the people posting
those money posts. Not only do I have 14 years & 1000’s hours experience,
2.5 years of running my own business & about to become certified as an
online business consultant, but my client results prove it. Things like:

Signing their first client
Leaving their full time jobs
Creating passive income5 figure days
Multi 5 figure launches
Scaling to 7 figures of revenue

I’ve been involved in it all.

I’m also a coach who will challenge you – I definitely don’t feed you a 5 step formula
& send you on your way. We go deep. My clients are highly intelligent
people who:

Have PhDs (4) & numerous Masters degrees
Have MBAs (3)
Have TEDx talks (2) & another is working towards one
Are former corporate high achievers in healthcare, pharmaceutical, investment banking,
aviation & education

Worked for Fortune 500 companies
Built 6 & 7 figure businesses offline

They don’t care for vanity metrics & publicising their income either. But don’t
think for a minute they don’t want it & love it – they absolutely do!

An important point to note here is that no one can guarantee you a monetary result
in your business. No one. It’s unethical, & too many factors affect
people’s success (their mindset, their energy, the timing, how much effort they
put in, their niche, etc).

But the foundation of any successful business is vision, strategy, marketing, sales
& operations. I cover all of those in my coaching, using proven principles
of business (not trendy tactics) that have been used to help businesses sign
their first client, scale to consistent revenue months & right up to 7

So if you are someone who really does hate posts about money, but you’re wanting to grow
a business that’s financially successful, I’d invite you to take some time to
identify why they bother you so much – it’s likely the key reason you’re
holding yourself back. 

And if you’re someone who DOES want to be financially rewarded for their business, I
invite you to stick around – you’re going to enjoy my content from now on,
& I’m sorry I held it back from you for so long!