20 things I did in 2020

December 30, 2020

20 things I did in 2020…

~ I left my full time job as an air traffic controller after 17 years

~ I freelanced in air traffic control coaching in Switzerland before Covid put a stop to it

~ I turned 40!

~ I switched my coaching from mainly in person to solely online

~ I took my coaching business full time

~ I then took 2 months off social media with information burnout

~ I came back with a new niche & visibility plan

~ I posted online every day since July

~ I quadrupled my audience

~ I built a new website

~ I started The Ambitious Introvert Podcast

~ I started The Ambitious Introvert Network Facebook Group

~ I had my first 5 figure month

~ I had my first 5 figure week

~ I had my first 5 figure DAY

~ I hired a team

~ I got featured on the Brainz 500 Global List of Entrepreneurs & Influential Leaders

~ I coached 18 amazing clients

~ I was grateful every single day

~ I actually embraced being visible!

What’s something YOU did this year that you want to share?