Somatic Healing for Emotional Transformation with Manisha Tare

February 14, 2022


Welcome to this week’s very special Valentine’s episode of The Ambitious Introvert. I never thought that I would be doing a dedicated Valentine’s Day episode, but the stars aligned and the timing was perfect. Today, I have invited Manisha Tare, a somatic healing practitioner, on to the show to share how much our nervous system impacts our daily communication, relationships, and life in general. I believe that we will only be as successful as our nervous system is willing to allow us to be, and as we know the way you do anything is the way you do everything. So when you start to prioritise yourself in your relationship, you will see growth in other areas of life – such as in business and other types of relationships. Listen to today’s episode with Manisha to find out how.

Manisha and I discuss:

  • How what’s happening in your nervous system can impact how you communicate
  • Why it’s so important to have someone hold a safe space for you as you journey through somatic healing 
  • The importance of continued education, no matter which industry you may be in as a coach or business owner
  • How Manisha uses astrology and Akashic Records to guide her clients through their emotional work
  • The positive impact of somatic healing that Manisha has seen with her clients on their relationships and careers

Manisha helps her clients gently rewire their nervous system so they can build the courage to set good boundaries and transform their relationships. Find out how you can work with her here.

Manisha’s book recommendation for The Ambitious Introvert:

Riding Between the Worlds by Linda Kohanov

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Emma-Louise Parkes: [00:00:00] Hello and welcome to this week’s Valentine’s episode of the ambitious interrupt podcast. I never thought that I would be doing a dedicated Valentine’s day episode, but the stars aligned and the timing was perfect. So I decided to release this one on this date for that. So the reason that I have invited today’s guest onto the show, um, not only she wonderful and a very dear friend and client of mine, but.

I think is really important for us to see how much our nervous system impacts our life in general. So I talk about brain, body business. Obviously I do a little energy work on myself and with my clients. And I always say that will only be as successful as our nervous system is, is willing to allow us to be, but this is the same in so many aspects of life and particularly in relationships.[00:01:00] 

And as we know where you do, anything is the way you do everything. So when you start to prioritize yourself in your relationship, you will see growth in other areas of life, in business and different types of relationships. It’s that report effect of really rewiring and balancing the nervous. So with that said, I would love to hand you over to my gorgeous friend and client Benicia for her to introduce herself and her business.


Manisha Tare: Hello. Thank you so much for having me. You’re so welcome. Um, and I love that this is a dedicated Valentine’s day. I never thought I would be a guest on such an episode. So that’s really cool. Um, my name is Manisha and I’m a medic healing practitioner. I work with conscious smart women and I help them to work through their early childhood experiences and heal wounds that might be affecting their ability to really show up [00:02:00] truly as themselves and their relationships so that they can feel.

Creating that true fulfilling partnership. 

Emma-Louise Parkes: So obviously I’m going to delve into the word sematic, but first before that, I would love you to share if I’m, while I know that, you know, the answer to these, um, do you identify as an introvert and path and highly sensitive entrepreneur? 

Manisha Tare: Oh, 

Emma-Louise Parkes: and do you know your human design?

Manisha Tare: I do. I am a manifesting generator. Um, one three, which we, we share in common. We do though. 

Emma-Louise Parkes: And we do, this is something that I want to share now from guests. Like if they’re familiar with that. Cause they think for listeners, it’s really interesting to hear like, you know, oh, you know, that highly sensitive to, or, you know, yeah, they’re a generator or they’ve got this blind profile and for those not so familiar with human disease.

To see the [00:03:00] differences. Like for instance, I had Kendall on a few weeks ago, she’s a projector, so, you know, very different. Um, so thank you for sharing that. Well, maybe dig into like how that affects your business a little bit later 

Manisha Tare: on for sure. 

Emma-Louise Parkes: So sematic Healon I know when so many people see coaches or mentors for relationships, they think about like talk therapy or, you know, something you’re going to do with your partner and you have completely different approach to this, which I love.

Could you share a bit more about that? 

Manisha Tare: Yeah, absolutely. I mean, I feel like. Our relationship to others, it’s really like such a reflection of what is happening inside of us. And so I have always been like super drawn to working with the body in different ways. I started practicing yoga at an early age. I then became a teacher of yoga and meditation, and then I can share some of my other like training and [00:04:00] background as well.

I really noticed that, for example, like I would go to maybe a yoga practice and it would feel much better and calm, calmer, um, and feel good in my body. And then like how I would show up with other people would cheat. And so there’s just so much of that connection between, like, do you feel grounded? Do you feel good with yourself?

Like, do you feel clear and how can you then show up in that way? Like when you’re interacting with you’re communicating when you are perceiving, um, conversations and having interactions. And so while they certainly. No communication is so incredibly important. And like that dialogue back and forth, I think that like our nervous system certainly impacts the way that we perceive so much.

And so when I have clients who come to me and they’re, you know, sharing like an experience or sharing a [00:05:00] conversation or sharing in some way, which they’re triggered. You know, we may certainly talk about the larger situation of what’s going on in the context, but really like the work that we do together is me helping them drop into their bodies to notice like how they’re feeling what’s going on.

Like what’s really being triggered, what emotions are coming up and with sensations that are coming up and you know, how they might be connected to something. That’s happened to them in the past. That that has not yet been a result in a way that feels like more peaceful. And so how that is like really directly impacting their current relationship in a way that they might not even realize.

So the work is really from being inside. I 

Emma-Louise Parkes: love that. And that’s obviously something that we, we have discussed with an eye coach and relationship, and we both understand the importance of first off the awareness, because if we don’t have the awareness right. Of what’s actually causing us to react, then we can’t make any changes.

But [00:06:00] secondly, that it’s this change on the inside that creates the change on the outside, which is true in so many areas. Right. You know, everyone loves to think that they can just go to the gym and still eat junk food, but there’s not possible. Like we have to nourish inside out and the same in our business, you know, with our energy and with our mindset of the external success that you see people have in so often a product of the inner work that they’ve been doing.

And I think it’s really great to remind people that that works the same for relationships as well. 

Manisha Tare: Absolutely. I think it’s especially in kind of relationship because there’s literally like another person and it’s so easy to focus on that external person, like what they’ve said or what they’ve done.

And I’m not at all saying that’s not important. Certainly it’s like a two way situation, you know? Um, but I think that if more of the. You know, pause to really recognize like what [00:07:00] we’re bringing to the situation and like what is really being like upset or triggered within us to work through that. Like we can show up differently.

And then, you know, what I feel is like so important from that place. It’s not to say that. Your issue and it doesn’t have anything to do with the other person, but once you get super clear within you, like what this is about and how you can support yourself, then when you show up and maybe things still aren’t really changing, or there’s still some behavior from the outside that.

Don’t feel good about, or you don’t want to tolerate any more than you can feel really comfortable, like making a decision, you know, from this place of like, I have like explored all of these things within me. And like, I feel really good about like where I stand with this and like yet this still doesn’t feel right.

And so I think it just allows people to have a different level of confidence, like when they’re negotiating things in their relationship or having these tough conversations. [00:08:00] Asking for needs to be met. 

Emma-Louise Parkes: And I think from a very logical, rational brain point of view, we automatically think like I’m having trouble in my relationship.

It’s the other person, like you say, you know, we get into this bright wrong that yeah, I’m right. They’re wrong. Or we go, oh, well, let’s go to couples counseling and then try and work through it that way. Or do some kind of personal development work on ourselves. And while all of these things like, obviously have great.

Um, impact and this huge merit to them. I know that with a lot of your clients, they are hugely successful and they have done so much of this inner work, but the sematic part, the nervous system part is actually the, almost like the final piece of the puzzle. It’s the, it’s the last thing that they need to really like close that loop and make that lasting change.

Manisha Tare: Yeah, couldn’t have said it better myself, you know, like they [00:09:00] are usually successful. They have, you know, good friendships. Like they do amazing things at work. Like there’s a level of confidence that they have in other areas of our life that, you know, it’s not that. Translate fully into the relationship.

It’s just that like, our relationship will bring up, you know, our, our triggers, like intimate relationships we’ll do that, you know, that’s completely normal. And so I think it is that that piece of. You know, there’s such a level of like intimacy there that it gets to us that like that deeper, like the Searle body level.

And so even if they understand all of the dynamics, um, and maybe they’ve been to therapy, which I think is super helpful and you know, they’ve gotten a ton of awareness. Maybe they’ve even changed some of their behavior. Like they’re still getting like that internal trigger, like that feeling of. Being unsettled or like noticing a reaction where they feel upset or angry or hurt.

[00:10:00] And they, like, it kind of takes over their body and they don’t quite know what to do with it. And you know, some of my clients, like while they’re working with me are also, you know, might be in couples therapy, like with their partner, because that’s like a totally different thing, which is super valuable as well, you know, to have somebody in that realm.

To support a couple in that way. Um, but yeah, when they get to that place, Kind of like really sitting with that discomfort and like recognizing like where it’s coming from, and not only with their minds, but like feeling their way through it in their bodies. And I know some people might totally get what I’m saying and other people will be like, well, what you’re you’re talking about, but, you know, I think we’ve all had that feeling of like anxiety or somebody says something and it feels like a punch in the gut.

And you know, who wants to sit with that discomfort? So the default for so many as. Ignore it or just be, you know, react to it quickly. But like when we can learn the tools [00:11:00] to, to get quiet and kind of sit with it and process some of that intense energy, like that’s when the actual trigger can start to shift.

And when that sensation shifts, then how we, our feelings about it will shift and then therefore easier to take a different kind of action or say something different. Because like the whole loop has changed, you know, it’s not like stuck in that same loop anymore. 

Emma-Louise Parkes: And I love you said feeling because I know real high majority of your clients are highly sensitive to.

And nervous system work is yeah, I’ve obviously I’m a huge fan of this. I’m an EFT practitioner. I do energy clearing. Like I really see the benefit. I do my own nervous system regulation as I talked about on previous podcasts. But do you think. This work is even more important. If we do have a sensitive nervous [00:12:00] system, do you see that the effects of, you know, those wounds, those triggers are even stronger for us?

Manisha Tare: I think so. I mean, I feel like. And in my experiences then, and certainly what I’ve witnessed is, you know, if two people, you know, maybe experienced the same situation, but one person is identifies as highly sensitive or has that kind of nervous system, you know, the impact and the imprint does land differently.

And so that’s why I think this work is so powerful, especially for people with highly sensitive, nervous systems. And also why. It’s so great to have all different kinds of work out in the world and different modalities because somebody else might, it might be enough for them to kind of have that awareness and like shift some things like through that kind of more cerebral, um, methodology, but then there’s other people who have kind of [00:13:00] have this imprint from an early experience and you can’t talk your way through that.

And so that’s why this piece of. Dropping into your body is, is so like massively transformational, because I also find that people who are highly sensitive because they’ve been so sensitive to their environment or, um, yeah, just obviously different senses. They tend to. Have the experience of maybe shutting that down or kind of numbing that a little bit.

And this is a generalization. It’s not to say everybody, but because like some of that intensity growing up that was so much that they ended up kind of, um, numbing, numbing themselves. Or I’m contracting a bit so that they wouldn’t feel that level of intensity. So almost like in our work, they’re sort of for you learning how to feel in a safe way where it doesn’t feel so overwhelming.

Um, which is why I think there [00:14:00] can be a bit of hesitation initially to like want to go there because it feels kind of scary to our nervous system. So long answer to your question, but yes, I think it was even more important for somebody who’s highly. 

Emma-Louise Parkes: But that’s why I think that the work that you do is.

So unique, because like you say, it can feel really uncomfortable if you’re going to be sat there and it’s like, right. Sit and feel the discomfort. Like I do this as, you know, with the energy clearing codes that you have to literally sit in the discomfort and that’s not a nice thing to do. That is something that I want someone that’s experienced and highly trained to be able to sit with me and hold space for me in that and make sure that I am.

Able to work through it because trying to do that kind of thing alone, maybe could just put some people off. Um, I just think it really important to know that you’ve got someone holding [00:15:00] that safe space for you. 

Manisha Tare: Yeah, absolutely. And, you know, I think that there’s a lot of, um, you know, talk on the internet, like about feeling your feelings and all of these things and.

Yes. I totally agree with that. And I think it can be retraumatizing to, to do that. Um, maybe on your own, if you don’t have yet, have not yet built up those skills or even with the wrong person who really doesn’t know exactly what to do or how to hold that space. Like if something traumatic does come up, um, I have.

You know, I certainly, at this point I work with people who have dealt with acute trauma in different ways, like to deal with somebody in person and, you know, have really processed some of that early acute trauma. But I, you know, in my career over the years working as, um, Teacher, private yoga. And also I [00:16:00] trained in a particular body where called premium SQL therapy.

It’s an osteopathic technique. And you can use that for a lot of physical issues, but I tended to gravitate towards like helping people resolve the trauma that was sitting in their bodies. And so I’ve certainly had that experience of like literally sitting with and holding somebody’s body, like while they were having team members.

Show up for them that maybe they hadn’t had before, or they’re having it in a different way, or it was like clearing from their system. And so. You know, to, to just sort of Willy nilly be like, feel your feelings and you know, this and that, like, it, it really, to me, like it feels a little dangerous. And I do think it’s really, really important to have somebody with that background, with that training that you feel safe with that can hold like a very nonjudgmental space and his really doing their own personal work at the same time.

You know, because I do think that to do this work for others, it’s, it’s my responsibility to continue to do it for myself. [00:17:00] 

Emma-Louise Parkes: We touched on human design and some of our similarities. And just listening to that is so interesting because you really have your own way of working with people based on a blend of all of these different modalities and healing practices and different things that you have learned over time.

But I know that you are continuing your education and, you know, And vested in courses and learning, learning new things, um, which you know, is verus, you know, it’s very similar to me. I take bits from different aspects that I, that I’ve learned and, and use it in, you know, certain ways. I think that that multifaceted approach like that is, um, That’s the beauty of our one, three, I’m going to say is that we, we love to go and learn.

And then we love to experience that ourselves and then to go and to go and share it with the world. So rather than, oh, I have this like three-step formula and it’s just this. And I take everyone through it. I love that you have all of these different ways that you [00:18:00] can support people, which can be like personalized for each person.

I think that’s great. 

Manisha Tare: Yeah, it’s taking me. And I think continuing to, you know, and making peace with the one three profile, which, you know, because I have shared that with, um, but yeah, it is, it has been like a personal journey that has, you know, led to. The professional journey, which then leads me back to my own personal journey.

So it’s really so cyclical in such a spiral, which, you know, I think that that can feel frustrating when it’s happening, but I do ultimately believe like this. That’s just how I’m built, you know, to have these experiences, to learn, to go seek out, to, you know, learn more than support other people in that process and then go deeper myself.

And, you know, that’s, that’s the part of the beauty of like, Being so invested for myself. Like this is not just like, oh, something I decided to study, but I don’t [00:19:00] understand personally. I understand it very personally and I’ve, you know, taken thousands of dollars of training to learn all of these different ways to help other people and myself and, you know, in the process.


Emma-Louise Parkes: And on a complete aside, Mimi’s just joined me. So 

Manisha Tare: I have a connection 

Emma-Louise Parkes: because I’ve, so for anyone listening, I’ve been working together for almost a year now. And. It’s my cats. And every, every call with many ship is no matter where she is. She loves to come. So I know you might even hear her in the background on the recording.

Cause she shouted a little bit, got up on the desk and wanted a fester. I have been recording podcast episodes all day. She it’s not bothered me once it gets to your episode. And here she is. 

Manisha Tare: Of course, of course. I love it. I recall.

Emma-Louise Parkes: So with the human design [00:20:00] thing, um, yeah, obviously the one, three, I feel you on that. Um, as we said earlier, you’re a manifesting generator. So lots of ideas, not necessarily someone that’s built. Just to do one thing and not just have one niche. So as we’ve just said, you know, you got these different modalities, all these different experience that you can blend together, so that compliments beautifully, but I really love that you bring other things into.

On business as well. Like if you could talk to us a little bit, maybe about your love of astrology and a Kashic records. 

Manisha Tare: Yeah. Oh my gosh. Astrology, like one of my favorite favorite things to talk about. Um, and I have always been drawn to it, but maybe four years ago, I took a longer course around it and studied with somebody more extensively for a little over a year, and just really started to dive deep into.

Looking at the natal chart and [00:21:00] like looking at the planet, what do they mean? And I really use it as a personal developmental. I mean, it can be used in so many different ways, but for me, um, the way I have the way it’s supported me has really been to like look at not only my own chart and understand like, you know, where my son is or my moon is, or my ascended as like how that impacts me personality.

Um, but then to look at larger transits that are happening to understand like what areas of my life are being impacted. And so it just helps me put it into a larger context and that’s really how I use. For clients as well. Like I look at where their moon is quite a bit because they do so much emotional work with them, like this, about your emotions and your body, and you know, what you need for like your inner level of security and self care.

And these are the types of conversations I have with clients all the time. So it’s actually super helpful to know, like what’s their mood within what house in like, what they need for that nourishment. Um, [00:22:00] and then certainly when we’re looking at larger transits, you know, so often we can look at that and I can help them just understand like, okay, this is sort of the con the bigger context of your life right now.

And this is a lesson that you’re, you’re learning, and this is the area of your life it’s impacting. And certainly relationships are. Impacted by everything. So it has really given people like something bigger to feel into, because I think like when we’re having. Any kind of challenge. Like we can get contracted and really narrow around it and, um, that can just make it even harder.

So I love to use astrology to like bring a macro look to something like that. And I think it can be really powerful. And similarly with me, Akashic records, um, you know, that reading from like something bigger than ourselves. People will get a larger [00:23:00] context for things. So I love to interweave things like, um, helping people understand like their soul lessons or, you know, karmic patterns, you know, bring that lens to, to some of these relationship dynamics.

Um, cause I think sometimes it can just help us remember that we’re a part of a much larger universe and it, it lightens the load. Yeah, I love bringing up stuff. 

Emma-Louise Parkes: Well, as someone that has had astrology readings and a cashier, cause reading with you, I, I loved my astrology because I was really into it as a kid, but I only ever knew my sun sign.

So, you know, I’m reading the very generic for generic car scope in the daily newspaper. And I. I kind of did resonate with, um, PI CSUN. I kind of did resonate with a lot of Pisces, but also not when it talks about the [00:24:00] yes, I’m sensitive, but it talks a lot about like dreamy and a bit we pay and I’m like, I haven’t really see that.

Um, but then, you know, when we did my chart, I’ve got Virgo moon. Think it starts to make sense. I also have this, um, this constant. Challenge between, oh, I want lots of freedom in my schedule and oh, I need some kind of security and I need to have a routine. Um, so even just like having that understanding made so much more sense to me.

Manisha Tare: Yeah, for sure. I, I just, I love how sometimes it really just gives people permission to be like, oh, okay. Like that’s why I feel this way. Or like, oh, this appears to be contradictory. Or this maybe seems like not such a great thing. Or, you know, we might judge like some of our ways of being are habits. And then we hear this about ourselves, like literally from this piece of paper, you know, with like a bunch of symbols on it.

And it’s like, oh my gosh, like, you know, [00:25:00] so permission giving. It’s just amazing, like how we sometimes, like how as kids we’re like feeling so free and. You know, creative and then like all kinds of things in life happen. And then I find so many adults like that, or work with, or like rediscovering those aspects again.

It’s like, oh yeah. Like I was like that as a kid that’s stopped or like, oh yeah, I have this way of being. But like, I always thought that was weird or people kind of criticized before it, but like, oh, I’ve allowed to be that way. And I dunno, it’s just very, very free. 

Emma-Louise Parkes: That’s why I love human design so much.

And obviously that’s something that I use with my clients is something we lean into a lot with you. I find an, obviously it was based on astrology, but very permission given as well. Um, and most people that I’ve worked with, and then we do their chart or they have a reading. Feel very seen and feel like, oh, that makes complete sense.

That’s [00:26:00] why I feel like this, or that’s why I don’t get along well doing that. Um, and like you say, I just think it’s seeing it on paper or being told. Kind of aspects of yourself that you’d forgotten about or somehow thought were odd or weird and being told like, no, that’s just, that’s just how you’re designed.

This is, 

Manisha Tare: um, I think is 

Emma-Louise Parkes: hugely beneficial in, in relationships in life and business and everything. 

Manisha Tare: Yeah. 

Emma-Louise Parkes: So I know one of the things that you are most proud of in your work is yes, of course you work with. Within that, um, the frame of the intimate relationships, but it’s the ripple effect of how the, the sematic work and how the healing actually impacts all of their other relationships.

Like we have discussed this over and over when you’ve been creating content and that because you, because you have seen the impact so many times, but from a marketing point of view, we’re [00:27:00] often like, no, we’re just talking about like the relationship, because we don’t want to confuse people. What kind of impact has it had on people, you know, within their career, within that business?

Within the family? 

Manisha Tare: Yeah. I mean, you know, I love this because I’m always like, every relationship is so important and, um, yeah. It’s like when you do that work internally, of course, it’s going to ripple out everywhere, you know? And so I find that, you know, some people are. Are very compartmentalized, you know, and I can understand to some degree, like if you’re in a job and you want to be, you know, have to be a certain way, like we’re, um, you might just be that, that might just, you might just need to do that.

Right. But I find that people, when they do this work, they can relax more into being themselves, like in all their relationships and, you know, have more. Understanding and compassion for [00:28:00] like, yeah, not only their partner, but like the host to their child or their parent, or, you know, recognize that they’re being triggered by something by like what a coworker might said.

And it all sort of points like back to whatever their sort of core issues are. Like. I think we all have like a couple of core issues and so. Um, when we start to really notice that being like GERD and other relationships, like we can use that to do that, like check in with ourselves. And then be able to like, be more direct with people, be more clear, like make lots of assumptions, like take things less personally.

Like I’ve seen parent-child relationships, like completely shift over time, or they started out really, really, um, just super dysfunctional. And then they, they turned into something where it was just like a workable situation. You know, where it’s like people could be in the same room, like, and be relatively peaceful.

Like, [00:29:00] whereas like that definitely was impossible before, or people like finally like expressing and setting boundaries, like their family when they were like afraid to in the past or, um, you know, getting promotions at work because they are feeling more relaxed and less than their heads and like less worried about what everybody.

And able to like show up and be themselves and, you know, really allow people to see them perfect. They are. And so absolutely it has such a huge, huge ripple effect. Um, because at the end of the day, it’s like connection. And I say this a lot in my content, but I, I think everybody desires connection, certainly, but I have found that over time.

Most of my clients, like, because they’re also sensitive. Like they really want deep connection with somebody else, like deep, meaningful connection. And sometimes I think, you know, some of their experiences have led them to feel [00:30:00] like in order to get that deep, meaningful connection, they almost have to like, and mesh a little bit or merge a bit with the other person, like not on purpose, but it just sort of happens.

Um, and then they ended up losing themselves. So. About codependency sometimes as well. And like those threads can be very sneaky and show up in a lot of different ways across the board and relationships. So like this work really allows you to like be fully and land fully in yourself. And then also feel like a level of connection with somebody without like losing the essence of who you are.

And so that’s why. Like I’m so, so passionate about it. And I just think it’s so important. Can you tell 

Emma-Louise Parkes: just slightly as do I, obviously, which is why I wanted to highlight that on the show. I think that is the perfect place to wrap up. I think that that is just such a lovely sentiment to [00:31:00] end with. And if you would love to know more about Maneesh work about whether it’s the relationships, the healing and the Akashic records, the astrology, any parts of it and going to drop all.

Hi links in the show notes where you can find her online, but obviously many before I let you go. Ain’t going to ask you for your book recommendation, um, that you would suggest for any ambitious introverts listening who are looking to start grow or scale that online business. 

Manisha Tare: Okay. Well, I, I’m going to share a book that is not a business book, but, um, for the highly sensitive introverts out there, it’s called writing between.

And the author’s name is Linda I’m off. I might be pronouncing the last name incorrectly, but the reason I love this book so much is because it, um, it talks about like equine therapy, but in the context of that, like it, when I read it, I [00:32:00] really started to recognize like my sensitivity in a different way.

Whereas. I felt like it might’ve been bombarded me in the past. And like, I could feel like things were off or weird, but it didn’t know why. And I didn’t like chest those feelings like this book with like massively permission giving for me, because I started to realize that I was having all those feelings because I am so perceptive and can pick up on so many subtle things and they kind of didn’t know how to categorize them.

It just gave me a letter of permission to start picking up on the subtleties and start trusting myself, which I think is hugely important in business. Certainly because we’re constantly in relationship, whether it’s with your clients or your team or yourself, or like what you’re putting out into the world.

So, um, yeah, I think your audience would enjoy it. 

Emma-Louise Parkes: Perfect. And if that’s so true, because one of the. Reasons that I realized I was highly sensitive was, oh, I look at something and I absorbed every [00:33:00] single bit of information from it. Like nothing gets past me or I’m walking past a crowd of people and I’ve noticed everything that everyone was wearing and the energy that, that person was emanating, all of these different things.

I was like, why am I exhausted all of the time? And obviously, It is like you say, when, when nothing gets by you. And when you notice in that, but starting to realize how you can use that in like a more positive, empowered way. 

Manisha Tare: Yeah, absolutely. Yeah, because otherwise it can be very tired and depleted and you’re not even sure.

It’s like, wait, what just happened? I just like took a walk,

right. Yeah. Before we wrap up, 

Emma-Louise Parkes: I’m going to add a book recommendation as well, just because I think I’ve read it quite recently. And I think it’s so perfect about what we’ve been talking about. Um, you’re probably familiar with that. The body knows the score by Bessel van der Cole, which is a great book.

[00:34:00] Really one of the first books, I think. To discuss from, uh, from clinical trials and the clinical point of view about how trauma actually affects the body and the nervous system. So it features quite heavily on PTSD and different things, but it’s talking through the actual research and things that were happening in psychotherapy in the eighties when they started to realize that, um, people’s experiences were still having an effect on the nervous system and therefore having an effect on the brain and then the brain was creating.

Yeah, respond to the nervous system and they would be in that loop. So I think anyone that’s interest is peaked about any of this, um, that that is definitely worth a read as well. 

Manisha Tare: Yep. Yep. Definitely agree. 

Emma-Louise Parkes: Well, thank you so much for sharing your wisdom with us and can drop all of your links in the show notes and to those two books and a happy Valentine’s day.

Manisha Tare: Copy Valentine’s day. Thank you so much for having me.