Content creation plan

November 10, 2020

Do you ever feel uninspired around writing content?
Burning brain calories deciding what to write about?
And as an introvert you know this spiral leads to overthinking & more ‘time spent thinking about content’ than ‘time spent writing content’
Here’s my number one tip (one that’s part of the system I use myself to write an entire week of content in under 90 minutes, often less)
Write about the same topic all week
You may be thinking ‘what? I don’t have that much to say about one thing!’
Or ‘People will get bored!’
But the truth is…
You do. And they won’t
Sticking to one topic helps you get in the flow of writing – you’re focussed on this and this alone, meaning ideas actually come more easily than trying to jump around 5 different subjects
Brainstorm all the different angles you can discuss it from
Your own experience
A client experience
Some training you did
Going deep on one thing is what allows me to post 5 x per week on Instagram, 30+ x per week on Facebook, record mini trainings, solo podcast episodes, fill my weekly newsletter with valuable content and write a blog post. In under 90 minutes
As an introvert, deep suits my attention far better than wide!
And the other advantage?
Rather than boring people, you’ll actually engage & entertain them
They’ll start to see a theme in your content
They’ll start to see you as an authority on that subject
Authority = trust
Trust = clients
What would that kind of visibility do for your business?