Creating a Mindset for Visibility with Karen Kissane

July 12, 2021

Are you actually an introvert or an extrovert? It might help to remember that there’s a spectrum and it’s not always black and white, today’s podcast guest and business coach, Karen Kissane, reminds us of this. She’s also sharing how she’s made visibility work for her, even as an introvert and how you can change your mindset around showing up, too.

Karen and I discuss:

  • The benefits of using the digital space for your business and how to measure your impact
  • What the compound effect is and why it’s important to understand as a business owner
  • How Karen has grown her Facebook group from a member of one to almost 5,000 members but still believes numbers aren’t an indication of success
  • Remembering that when it comes to visibility, it’s not going to be the same for everyone and you can use your individuality 
  • Why we have to be a little uncomfortable to build the business we want to build
  • The spectrum of extroversion and introversion and remembering it’s not always black and white

Karen has a passion for helping Smart Women take action towards building a business that excites them and unlocks their potential. She can help you find the clarity and confidence you need to pursue your big goals and achieve remarkable success, whatever success looks like for you.

Karen’s Book Recommendation for The Ambitious Introvert:

Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod

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