Diversity, Equity & Inclusion for Empathic Business Owners with Annie Gichuru

June 6, 2022

We believe in the need for diversity, equity & inclusion in our business, but as sensitive souls we often worry about doing or saying the wrong thing. Hopefully my discussion with Annie Gichuru today will help to answer your questions and put some of those fears to rest, enabling you to embrace DEI as an empathic business owner.

Annie Gichuru is a DEI coach & consultant and founder of Uplifting Studios, a platform dedicated to supporting online business owners to build racially equitable businesses so they can be intentionally inclusive.

Annie is deeply passionate about representation through a racial justice lens, and combines her experience as an internationally certified life coach, her love of storytelling, and her extensive career as a Human Resource specialist to deliver REPRESENTED – a transformational online program, which has been described as ‘a must for all business owners who are ready to build a culturally and racially diverse, inclusive and equitable business’. 

Annie and I chat about:

  • Why simply educating yourself is Step One
  • How investing in a DEI educator can help answer your questions (and support you in implementing what you learn)
  • Being genuinely inclusive and diverse in your values
  • Holding integrity in your friendships and clients
  • Reflecting on your own knowledge and understanding of black and white history (and understanding your perception will differ from others)
  • Use critical thinking to make informed decisions
  • Pacing yourself to absorb the research and making it an embodiment of your life’s work – not just more information!


Annie Gichuru resources

How to becoming a genuine ally and advocate for POC

REPRESENTED Course Waitlist

Annie Gichuru Instagram


Connect with Emma-Louise: