Goal Setting Tips for Ambitious Introverts

August 22, 2022

Something I’ve seen over and over with my clients is a huge resistance to setting goals. There’s often a fear of not hitting them, and therefore ‘failing’ in their eyes. This brings up lots of emotions such as shame, and not being good enough. Which in turn leads to more resistance to set goals!

But goals are a really important part of our growth – they focus our minds and keep us on the right track. I’m sharing some thoughts and observations from my 14 years of coaching that you can use to adapt your own goal setting routine.

I’m diving into:

  • SMART goals as a basis to start from
  • Separating the belief that not hitting a goal = failure
  • Extrinsic goals, and why the vanity metrics of thousands of followers and subscribers don’t keep us motivated
  • Staying invested in our goals right until the end
  • Scope creep’ and why constantly moving your goalposts is bad for your mindset
  • How to avoid living in the gap between where you are and where you want to be (and focus on how far you’ve come instead)
  • Why noting and celebrating small wins is the fastest way to larger ones



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Brand new to business and need support laying those oh-so-important foundations? Start Up to Scale Up was designed for Ambitious Introverts just like you! Join the waitlist to be notified when the doors open again.