Leadership for Introverts

November 23, 2020

Today I’m joined by my former mentor, Jojo Graham. Jojo is a Business Mentor & Coach who helps online entrepreneurs grow & scale their business to create personal success – in whatever that means to them. She’s a multi-six figure business owner, serial entrepreneur, single mum & ambitious introvert.

Jojo and I chat about: 

  • Jojo’s events for entrepreneurs and how she makes hosting others work as an introvert
  • Why you don’t have to change your business model just because you feel tired or drained
  • Conscious leadership and what that means
  • Why she would never give advice that she hasn’t tried or done herself
  • Why it’s important to know your values (especially as a leader)
  • How Jojo has pivoted her business in the pandemic and her newest venture, Leaders of Change
  • Her tips for creating content and showing up online 
  • Wearing and managing many hats as an introvert

Her passion for Entrepreneurship now allows her to help as many people as possible build their own solid businesses using simple strategies that feel aligned to them so they can make a massive impact in the world through the work they do.

Jojo’s Book Recommendation: 

The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz

Connect With Jojo:

Website: Jojo Graham

Website: Leaders of Change

Website: Simple Content Cards