Nailing your niche

February 18, 2021

My client Laura is highly skilled & qualified (she’s one of a handful of people in the world to hold the Innermetrix Profiling qualification, used by Google, Tony Robbins & Yale Law School amongst others)

But without a clear niche of who she helped, it was impossible for her to market her services in a way that could attract clients (let’s be honest, very few of us are looking to hire an Innermetrix consultant – but we are probably looking for someone to solve a specific problem)

We took Laura’s experience, natural strengths & passions into account & then it was crystal clear to see what her niche was! In her own words…

“Defining my niche and knowing how to articulate that has been one of the biggest challenges for me over the past few years! I have changed my bio numerous times and struggled to really sum up my ideal client. Working with Emma-Louise has been a massive breakthrough in my business.

After only two hours I walked away with absolute clarity on my niche, who my ideal client is, my content pillars, content suggestions and unique selling points that I hadn’t been capitalising on… plus so much more! I have so much more clarity and confidence in my messaging and my ability to deliver my services to the right people in the right way.

Emma-Louise made me feel at ease, and helped me solve a problem that has overwhelmed and frustrated me – like magic! She has a unique ability to not only ask the right questions but to listen intently, comprehend that information and articulate in a way that is so impactful.

If you are struggling to get clarity in your business I highly recommend working with Emma-Louise. I am so excited moving forwards now and wish this had been available when I was first starting out in the online world!”

Could nailing your niche be the key to finally growing your business?