Pleasure, Profit & Permission to be Yourself with Julia Wells

May 10, 2021

In this episode I chat with Julia Wells (a.k.a. Julia Mother Effing Wells) to talk running a pleasure based business and what that even means. Julia is a fellow introvert and first made the jump into entrepreneurship and coaching about 5 years ago and had zero clue as to what she was doing. She took courses, hired coaches, posted on social media, made offers and tried to sell yet, basically got nowhere. She eventually got sick of spending money on things that didn’t work and didn’t feel good and decided that she had to find what worked for her. She quickly realized that the thing that makes us innately female is the very thing missing in business that is robbing us of the income and impact we’re so longing to make. 

We chat:

  • What a pleasure based business is (it’s not all sexual!)
  • Prioritizing and delegating
  • Why introverts are so good at relationship building
  • How to have a small audience but large business
  • Breaking rules and being shameless in life and business
  • Pleasure when it comes to profit

By undoing the conditioning that says we have to work harder, crush our competition, used fear based marketing, and sacrifice until we make it (aka delay pleasure until we hit our goals) Julia’s pleasure based business took off and she now teaches others how to have the same. 

Julia’s Book Recommendations for the Ambitious Introvert: 

Pussy: A Reclamation by Regena Thomashauer

Unbound: A Woman’s Guide to Power by Kasia Urbaniak

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