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July 1, 2024

Never has ‘as within, so without’ been as relevant as when we apply it to our success and happiness – two things that this week’s guest on The Ambitious Introvert® Podcast, Andrew Rowe, helps his clients with on the daily. Andrew believes that if your life isn’t as you want it, the first place you […]

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Designing Your Self Concept for Success with Andrew Rowe

June 17, 2024

Many coaches focus on solving problems, but my clients aren’t struggling – they’re striving for more. They seek growth in areas of life such as career, business, spirituality, and finances – not because they have to, but because they want to. In this solo episode, I share about rethinking my 1:1 coaching model, and reflect […]

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Going from Good to Great to Exceptional as an Ambitious Introvert

May 20, 2024

Being ambitious means doing things. And doing things means being busy – right?! I’ve had SO many conversations with clients over the years about their relationship to busyness, and how it shows up (good and bad) in their career, business or everyday life. The question is – are we in a healthy relationship with our […]

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Coach Yourself: Are You Wearing The Badge of ‘Busy’?

April 8, 2024

Ever felt like doing something ‘crazy’? Something that ‘doesn’t make sense’ or is ‘bad on paper’? Often when we feel like that the energy that’s driving the decision can be just too hard to ignore, and impossible to logic our way out of. And as introverts, learning to trust ourselves when making big changes is […]

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Listen to Your Energy: Trusting Intuition Over Logic in Decision-Making

April 1, 2024

Having high standards is one thing, but if you’re aiming to make everything in your life and work ‘perfect’ you’re fighting an impossible battle. This week on The Ambitious Introvert® Podcast I interviewed Leadership Coach, Women’s Health Advocate and mom of four Chana Ross. She’s sharing her lifelong journey of perfectionism and the practices she’s […]

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The Paradox of Perfection with Chana Ross

March 18, 2024

Habits are the foundation of success – unless the ones that are deeply ingrained are actually exhausting you. People pleasing became such an automatic response for this week’s podcast guest, Dr Clare Emma Wild, that it became hard for her brain to even recognize she was doing it! Clare is ​​an academically certified and internationally […]

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Neuroplasticity, Habit Change and Saying ‘No’ to People Pleasing with Dr Clare Emma Wild

February 19, 2024

Rest Without Sacrifice: Designing Your Schedule around Your Priorities with Jordan Gill Are you clear on your priorities? And, if so, are you protecting your time and energy to really focus on them? Whether you’re a busy exec or an empire-building entrepreneur, it can be all too easy to lose sight of what’s important during […]

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Rest Without Sacrifice: Designing Your Schedule around Your Priorities with Jordan Gill

February 12, 2024

When you have big goals and dreams and feel like they’re a long way out of reach, it’s hard NOT to get discouraged. The flip side of being ambitious is that we also feel frustrated when we feel like we’re failing (though as I remind my clients we never really are failing – we’re simply […]

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What To Do When You Feel Like You’re Failing

January 1, 2024

Ready to set goals and feel confident you can achieve them in the next 12 months? This episode is for you! Forget vision boards, manifestation lists or ‘keeping everything crossed’ – while they absolutely have their place, in this episode we’re breaking goal setting down to its basics, and looking at the 3 components that […]

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Your 2024 Goal Setting Success Blueprint