Releasing Trapped Emotions for Growth & Success with Kyle Haskins

December 6, 2021

Welcome to this week’s episode of The Ambitious Introvert Podcast, featuring a guest who has had a huge impact on my life and business – Kyle Haskins. Kyle is an Energy Code practitioner who I’ve worked with numerous times and I’m really excited to share this because his approach to energy work cannot be found in the mainstream. We discuss The Emotion Code, how it works, and the impact it’s had on me and my business. So much to learn in this episode, enjoy!

Kyle uses The Emotion Code to help his clients thrive every day, live their dreams, and love their life. Learn more about his work here.

Kyle and I Discuss:

  • What The Emotion Code is and how Kyle became a practitioner
  • How The Emotion Code can help you create a clean slate and heal past traumas 
  • How emotional healing is connected to different types of mindset coaching  
  • The basic process of a healing session with Kyle and how to actually release things that are holding us back 
  • The recalibration process after you’ve changed your energy frequency from emotional healing 
  • Kyle’s favorite client results

Kyle’s book suggestion for the Ambitious Introvert:

The Vortex by Esther and Jerry Hicks


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Click here for a raw, unedited transcript of this episode
[00:00:00] Emma-Louise Parkes: Kyle Haskins, I’m always really excited when I get to have, I guess, but I know very well on the podcast and obviously it’s one of your clients. I do know you very well. So thank you for coming and joining me today. 

[00:00:18] Kyle Haskins: Thank you. It’s so good to be on your podcast and just an honor, really a privilege. 

[00:00:24] Emma-Louise Parkes: So I’m going to tell listeners a little bit of backstory about how we connected, because I think.

I think that those kinds of stories are always interesting in the online space to see, you know, the connect, the dots going back. So I had read the emotion code because I think I’d heard about it a long time ago on a podcast and was interested. So put the sample on my Kindle. 15,000 other samples on making the things I’m interested in.

And then, you know, like three or four years later, God got around to reading it. I was, oh, this is really interesting. And basically got halfway through the book and got to a point where it’s like, oh, so you can do the emotion code on yourself. You know, you can learn how to muscle test. You can do this, you can learn all this or you can go and find a practitioner and paste someone basically.

Yeah. And. My gut straight away, like main stick was just like, no, go go to someone, but you need this go to someone. So I Googled emotion, career practitioners. I looked on Instagram. I did all the things I asked my very spiritual friends for recommendations and nothing. Nothing was coming back. It was about two months.

And this is, this is the story where, you know, you have to trust. ’cause I could have just jumped in with someone, but nothing felt quite right. And then I joined a membership and after a few weeks there’s like a help channel or a recommendations channel or something. And I thought I’m just going to put something on there.

And I was like, I’m never going to get anything. There’s only about a hundred people in this membership and it’s nothing to do with like, you know, spirituality. Constant visits or anything. I put them into an emotion code practitioner within about five minutes, like a response saying, yes, I worked with a guy he’s amazing.

He’s really empathetic. Now as empath I was, I was sold. So that was it. Former client of yours had seen it. We connected and here we are. 

[00:02:25] Kyle Haskins: There’s another amazing the way the universe works to just bring those things. When we do. 

[00:02:30] Emma-Louise Parkes: And then I don’t even know how many people have come to you through me, probably three or four that I can think of.

Um, I’ve connected with your partner. She is, you know, my Facebook group, we connected on that. So it’s just really lovely to see how, you know, all of these connections kind of spread out like branches and, you know, help us all. 

[00:02:50] Kyle Haskins: I think it’s like the most amazing thing. The worldwide that it is now. And, you know, everything’s just so connected through the internet and social media and obviously.

Location independence. And I noticed this a lot with clients. And the way that you came to me with referrals is the way that that other clients come in. And I’m always so grateful, like for you, when you tell people about your experience, then they, you know, other people come and they tell someone else.

And so finding you the way that I did, the way that you came to me through that is just, that’s how my business works, but it’s just such a beautiful thing. You know, it gives me such trust in the universe to just deliver whatever we really. And part 

[00:03:32] Emma-Louise Parkes: of the reason that I invited you on the show is that I think emotion code is quite a niche practice and obviously something that I just randomly heard about.

And then, and then read the book. And when I mentioned to a lot of people, they’re not very familiar with it. So I it’s something that I did want to kind of highlight even more so before we get into the nitty-gritty of what it is, um, how it works, how it can help us. What’s your backstory. How did you, how did you become an emotion code practitioner?

[00:04:07] Kyle Haskins: That’s, it’s such a weird journey, I guess. Um, like I feel like my whole life has prepared me for becoming an emotion code practitioner. So I’ve been around energy work and that sort of stuff. My whole life, I grew up in a very spiritual home. My mom’s a Reiki master and a massage therapist and a reflexologist.

So. I’m always around all of these types of things. And I did my Reiki when I was 18 and I’d always wanted to help people just kind of felt this calling. Like I wanted to help people just live happier, healthier lives. And I had a lot of different things that I tried as mechanisms to do that. So there was the Reiki, which I never really felt like I wanted to go into fully to help, you know, have a Reiki practice or anything like that.

Then I became a personal trainer. CrossFit coach got a diploma in sports, nutrition, qualified as a life coach. Um, I studied animal acupuncture and eventually I landed up as an emotion code practitioner. And the way that that really happened was a couple of things. So about seven years ago, I read the book just like you did.

And I was just blown away by all of the concepts in that book. How much it spoke to me and the things that I was going through at that time. So I learnt muscle testing and use it on myself and saw some really profound changes. Then I passed the book onto my mum because we were really close in spiritual stuff and she read it and she used it.

She loved it. And then I kind of just popped it and I was studying animal acupuncture. So I’ve got a. 12 and a half, almost 13 year old Labrador. And I wanted to help him live a healthier, happier life. So I was studying animal acupuncture to help him do that and live longer. And my mom then sent me this video of someone doing the emotion puddle.

Yeah. And when you do acupuncture, like on horses specifically, they suffer a lot with emotional issues that cause physical problems. So with acupuncture, you clear the lungs to clear grief. You clear the spleen channel to clear shock. And I was watching this video of this guy, do emotion, put on the dog.

And I thought to myself, this is amazing. If I could add this to my animal occupant. It would just change the game and I could go straight to the point rather than just generally clearing acupuncture channels. And so I actually studied the emotion code to add it to. But as part of the process, when you do your emotion code certification, you’ve got to do lots of hours with people.

And so I landed up doing over a hundred hours of sessions with people as part of my portfolio and the changes were just mindblowing. And so I thought to myself, there’s no way that I could ignore this and only do animals. And then obviously with COVID hitting in 2020, I wasn’t able to do animal acupuncture.

And so I just went full time into most. That’s my story. 

[00:06:55] Emma-Louise Parkes: I love it. I love it. And I love how it’s almost like you say, it’s that journey of, I know I want to help, but it’s in a house. Um, dip into and try all these different things, which are fine. I’ve been there. I think a lot of people have, you know, oh yeah, I could do this.

That kind of fills the mission that I’ve got, but you do it. And it’s like, it’s okay. And then something else comes along and you try that and yeah. It’s okay. And then like, when you describe watching that video, it’s almost like that, boom, this is, this is the thing this makes complete sense. 

[00:07:30] Kyle Haskins: Yeah, definitely.

And like now when I’m working with clients, I see all of those different things that I studied that at the time I thought were, you know, things that I didn’t fully follow or make a career out of. I guess they all add into what I do now. So like my life coaching that adds into my sessions with clients, cause I’m doing a lot of coaching while I’m helping with releases from the emotion code and my understanding of acupuncture and Reiki helps with the chakras and the meridians in the body and how all of those things.

So it’s like, I feel like I’ve been uniquely prepared for what I do right now through everything that I’ve gathered across my life. 

[00:08:07] Emma-Louise Parkes: And I’m just going to add to that. Kyle has done emotion code on both of my pet. So we still have the animal connection because you go and Mimi have both had numerous sessions of emotion code with varying amounts of success because Mimi Mimi’s got layers of issues and is quite stubborn.

Um, whereas Hugo was very receptive and seem to very much enjoy the experience. 

[00:08:33] Kyle Haskins: Yeah. It’s, it’s really amazing. Isn’t it? The sea animals are close companions that are with. Be effected by the same things that we go through and then benefit from emotion code as well. Like I work a lot with animals actually, and it’s just a beautiful thing to see because they’re so close to us.

They make our lives so much better. So when we see them. 

[00:08:55] Emma-Louise Parkes: So I think people are probably thinking, right. I’m sold on it. Like, what is it? Tell me what it is.

Sign me up. Yeah. What do I have to do is now I heard, obviously read the book. So I came to you like fully aware of what was going to happen. Um, if I’d have come to you and said, okay, someone’s told me I need this, but I have no clue what it is. How would you describe it? 

[00:09:20] Kyle Haskins: The easiest way. I would describe it as it’s, it’s a form of energy healing that helps people clear out and let go of emotional baggage.

So with the emotion code, you work with trapped emotions, which is the energy of emotions from past experiences that’s become trapped. And so as an emotion code practitioner, I just really help people let go of the. And Clare out that energy, that’s holding them back. That’s effecting the way that they think about things affecting the way that they feel about certain situations, causing them to feel triggered by certain experiences and even creating physical symptoms in the body, because everything is just energy.

So as your body and the emotions, when they get stuck, they imbalance the body as well. So the simplest way is clearing emotional. 

[00:10:06] Emma-Louise Parkes: Which always sounds great. I spend, when you say that I’m like, I feel so much lighter, but I think a lot of people are very much now into, um, energy and that understanding, you know, Reiki has become a lot more mainstream and things like law of attraction or quantum physics.

If you looked at it from that angle, A lot more widely accepted. And I think, especially for entrepreneurs where you get this road of personal development, or we’re seeing almost seems to run alongside with business. So, you know, we look at things like guilt and shame, which we know are very low vibrating emotions.

Well, you don’t want to, you don’t want to be in that. You want to be like a high vibe. You want to be, you know, fully woke and high five, but then not realizing that these experiences that we’ve had in the past, as you say, like can get trapped somewhere. So you could still be like resonating with the vibration of this, you know, like shady emotion, somewhere, somewhere in your body, even though you thinking like, oh, I’m fine.

I don’t, I don’t feel any guilt or shame. It could still be there affecting us. 

[00:11:07] Kyle Haskins: Absolutely. And it affects not just how we feel on a daily basis, but it also affects our thoughts. You know, when I think about the monkey mind, which is something that you often talk about in like yoga and meditation is calming and getting out of the monkey mind, the monkey mind is created by the energy of past emotional experiences.

And I’ve seen this with all of my clients. That’s like emotions in the past attached to memories are what create thoughts. So we think we tend to think that I think, sorry, our thoughts create our emotions, but it’s actually the other way around. It’s like emotional experiences create consistent patterns of fault.

So a really good example. You’ve had a breakup at some point in your life, you didn’t think yourself into heartache, you experienced the heartache, and then you thought thoughts about that for a period of time, weeks, months, years, and it just keeps creating those things. And so even if you don’t realize that it’s still sitting there, that’s affecting the way you think the way you see the world, the way you perceive everything, really, and even just stopping you from being the truest version of yourself, because at a subconscious level, it’s holding you.

[00:12:16] Emma-Louise Parkes: That’s something when I trained as a coach, um, and in NLP as well that I became very aware of in that people get into these almost like negative thought loops or repetitive patterns. And it’s. It’s almost like they’re addicted to the original emotion. And if anyone’s read Dr. Joe Dispenza, you know, this is popularized, this kind of thought, like you say, if the emotion creates the thought and then thought creates more of the emotion and we get in this loop, but it’s something that I hadn’t really considered, but that I have definitely seen over the year with years with clients where, you know, that becomes their homeostasis.

That’s their normal. So they’re seeking out experiences to stay in that normal. And if that normal is, oh, I’m a victim because something has happened where they have really been a victim, but then they look around the world and they create more experiences to feel like a victim, because then that’s comfortable.

That’s their identity. And obviously this goes like snowball and it just gets bigger and bigger and bigger. Um, and that’s somewhere that I see something like the emotion code be hugely held. 

[00:13:22] Kyle Haskins: Absolutely. Like when, when I looked at coaching and changing beliefs, one of the things that really struck me about the emotion code and its impact for that with people’s standard homeostasis or the way that they are on a daily basis is that when it comes to changing the belief, it’s consistent, repetitive patterns of thinking different thoughts, catching your thoughts, repatterning changing habits, but you’re not starting from a clean.

So you, you’re looking at this mound of experience that you have that got you to where you are right now. And then you’re thinking, okay, now I’m just going to pile new stuff on top of that to try and change it. So, you know, I’m going to cover it up with all this new stuff. We don’t actually get rid of what caused it in the first place.

And so that’s why I found the emotion code to be so powerful. And I actually work with a lot of coaches who send their clients. To clear those layers because we can create a clean slate. So if victim is something that is happening to someone, if they are in a victim mentality and they find themselves always feeling like everything’s happening to them, there’s nothing they can do about it.

And they feel helpless. There’s a reason behind that feeling. And it’s their past experiences, which may very well have represented, feeling helpless or not being able to help themselves. And they can change that, but it takes a lot of work to overcome that. But if we can clear that out and just provide them with a blank slate where it’s like, oh, I don’t feel like a victim anymore.

Then it’s a whole lot easier to put in a new thought of like, I’m empowered. I can do what I like. I can create the life of my dreams because now you’re starting from a blank space and bad. Truly black. Life-changing 

[00:14:59] Emma-Louise Parkes: where I see this a lot. I don’t know if you’ve found the same as with money mindset, which obviously is work that most entrepreneurs end up ended up doing and people do.

I’m going to say like very surface level, which is fine because the first step money mindset work at the start and it’s like, oh, money isn’t evil or all rich people. Aren’t. Societal beliefs and things that we’ve been told and you know, oh, you know, you look at your language around money, maybe, you know, spending versus investing.

And we do all of this and we do the journal prompts and we’re like, oh yeah, you know, I love money and money loves me, you know? And it’s great. And then you go. Oh, I’m still not really getting the results. And that’s when it’s like, oh, okay. This is actually a self-worth issue about whether I deserve money.

And that is purely unique to you. And then people start to look back and go, oh, well, there was actually a time when I was like six and I misbehaved and I was told that I didn’t deserve my pocket money. You know, it can be something like that, or, well, I grew up in a family and we didn’t have much money.

So now I feel guilty. And then a lot of money doing something that I love and all of these things. So I can say we have this very, um, basic level that kind of helps everyone and it gets us over the. Yeah. Things that we told about money, but then to really go deep, everyone goes backwards. You have to go backwards.

[00:16:20] Kyle Haskins: Yeah, you definitely do. And when you’re talking about money, mindset and welcoming more money into your life, like with quantum physics and law of attraction, this is something that we often talk about is the vibration of attracting more money. But what we don’t realize is that there is this whole vibratory nature within us, below the conscious level, all of your memories, all of your experiences, all of those emotions think that every emotion has its own vibrational frequency.

So like we said earlier, you said shame, very low vibrating, the lowest vibrating emotion. But if you have shame trapped inside of you as part of your emotional baggage, and you don’t even realize it at some level, that is attracting that energy into your life. So when it comes to money, if you’ve got shame somewhere within you at a subconscious level about money, you can tell yourself that you deserve money.

As much as you want. You can say as many affirmations as you possibly could get your head around, but if the feeling inside of you, if the energy. Layers inside of you don’t represent that. It’s just not going to happen the way you want it to. And I see this when I work with clients with like abundance blocks is I’ll ask a question.

Cause you know, affirmations are a big thing. People say I’m worthy, I’m worthy. I’m enough. I’m enough. And you can say those to blue in the face, but how do you feel when you say them? So if someone says I’m worthy of 10,000 pounds a month, And then I asked him, well, how do you feel when you say that? I don’t know.

It doesn’t feel good. So it’s like, you can say that as much as you want, but if your internal compass or emotional guidance system is saying to you, Nope, I don’t agree if they aren’t. I deserve 10,000 pounds a month and the body goes, no. Then you’re not actually on that level of attracting. And so if you can change that internally by unwinding those past experiences, and like you mentioned, sometimes it is actually things that happened when we were a child where we took on our parents’ beliefs or they said, or did something that we didn’t understand the full nature or the full logic behind.

And we just took it as a negative experience, then that compounds, and we can have this real disconnection to that. 

[00:18:33] Emma-Louise Parkes: So I’ve done some abundance work with you. So I’m just going to share with people because I think it’s quite funny. So yeah, we did the whole of that and you’re obviously very intuitive. So.

I saying the affirmations or the statements I can pick up myself if it doesn’t feel quite right, but you can also do that. So we went through the whole, like, you know, do I, how’d you feel with this? How’d you feel with 10,000 pounds in your bank, how did you feel with a million? And I’m like, yep, fine. Yep.

And you’re like, yeah. Okay. This is good. And then it came, right. We were talking about passive income and things and, um, given to charity, which is, uh, a big thing of mine. I was almost this like, oh, but people can just give it straight to charity. Like I, I would rather them have it, the me, and we went quite, quite deep into this because energetically that’s me saying, no, somebody else deserves this money more than more than me.

I remember you saying to me like, well, why can’t you, why can’t you accept the money? And then you can give it to the charity and you can do whatever you want. Yeah. Oh, yeah, I could do. I’m someone that’s fairly aware with money, mindset work. We did that a long time and I’ve done it with a lot of plants, but it just goes to show that that can even be things that we think of as positive, you know, like, oh, I’m being helpful.

And I’m, you know, I’m saying, no, no, you don’t need to give me a big tip. You can just give it straight to a charity. And actually when we questioned it, like energetically, is that me pushing money away? Yeah, absolutely. 

[00:19:53] Kyle Haskins: Yeah. Yeah. It’s like unbelievable how complex we can actually be. And sometimes it does require, you know, and this is why coaching is such a fantastic things that requires someone else to teach those bits out for you and ask you those question.

Well, why don’t you want them to just give you the money and you give it to charity and it’s like, oh yeah, that is interesting. 

[00:20:16] Emma-Louise Parkes: Yeah. And that’s one of the reasons I chose to work with you because many emotion code practitioners, because it can be done remotely. Many people will do it while you’re asleep.

They’ll tune into your subconscious. You know, I saw this a lot and be like, oh, I see. Like nine or 10 emotions and a session, you’ll get an email the next day. Um, and I’ll, you know, it will list all of these emotions where they originated, where they were in the body, where they came from and the fact that they’ve been cleared, um, didn’t feel quite right to me.

I’ve got no issue with distance healing. This is tricky, you know, many times and activations and things whilst I’ve been asleep. But for this, I just felt very much like what if I want to process some of this and talk through it, which I think you agree is a very important part of, of the whole container.

[00:21:06] Kyle Haskins: Absolutely. I mean, and it’s something that I probably struggle with because my sessions with clients often go over time, but there are emotional by practitioners. Like you say, who will just do email sessions or there’s some people that do 20 minute sessions and I just, I don’t understand how that’s possible and that’s purely just because just like you I’m inquisitive.

I like to understand, but I also. For the people that I’m working with to understand why, like, how could this impact you? So, you know, with your money, sorry that we’re talking about, how does that impact you to say no, just give to charity. Like, what does that impact? And then when we tease that out, it might highlight other areas of your life where you treated it in the same way and you think, oh gosh, yeah, like maybe.

Spice where I won’t accept a coffee from someone. Well, I always felt like I owed them and you know, that conversation opens up a much broader understanding, which can help us heal other areas of our life as well. 

[00:22:02] Emma-Louise Parkes: So someone coming into one of your sessions that usually overrun, I usually on day one. Um, and they’re just like, hi, I’m here because I’ve got, say an issue where, um, I.

Calm seem to succeed past a certain financial limit. Like I’m doing everything I can, but it’s just not happening for me. Someone’s recommended a motion code. Someone’s recommended you call heroin. Like what can they expect from a session? How does it look to actually sit there with you and delve into this stuff?

[00:22:37] Kyle Haskins: Yeah. It’s a really interesting process. And I think if you’ve never experienced it before, it’s certainly eye-opening so as part of the process with the emotional. Uh, what I do is I use muscle testing and that’s the same with every other practitioner we use muscle testing to tap into and talk directly to the subconscious mind of the.

And so the power of that is that we’re not having to try and logically or consciously figure this out through questioning of like, why do you think this has happened? Or where else in your life do you think you’ve experienced this? It’s not talk therapy in any way where we just diving into details. The subconscious mind of every person knows everything about that person’s life.

So our subconscious mind remembers everything that’s ever happened. Every site, every sound, every smell, every experience with. And the power of tapping into that is that it knows exactly how things put together. And when, when we try and think of it with our conscious mind, we try and linearize everything.

So it’s like a plus B you know, one plus two plus three where the subconscious mind is not linear. It works in patterns and it’s quantum. And so it knows how. And so when we tap into it, I just start asking questions. So if you came in, you’d said, I have this abundance block, or, you know, there’s these things that I’m struggling with.

And I just can’t seem to get past them. I would just start asking questions. Are there trapped emotions that are causing us? Or we might dive into some statements like I am worthy of abundance, and then I’ll ask you, how do you feel when you say that? Get you to write it out of 10 and we’ll release anything.

That’s preventing it from being a hundred percent truth for you. And so just using the subconscious and yes or no questions to let it guide us to emotions and experiences that you may not even remember, you know, bearing in mind that your subconscious mind, that every moment of your day is analyzing everything going on.

It doesn’t want you to consciously have to worry or think about those things. So it takes care of a lot of those automatic tasks below the surface. And so there’s lots of experiences we’ve had in our life that it doesn’t deem necessary for us to consciously remember, but it still uses that experience, the emotion, the evidence as a decision point about whether what you’re going to do or experience now is safe or not.

So in a typical session, Like you said six to 10 trapped emotions and there will be things that people remember and there’ll be things that people don’t remember. But one of the things I always find fascinating is if someone comes to a session and they’ve never experienced it before, it’s not five minutes before I land on an emotion.

And I just ask them questions, you know, like let’s say I find any emotion of sadness at age five. We might need to know some more about it. So I’ll ask some questions as it had something to do with family, something to do with friends, something to do with schooling. And once I get yeses, And then I sort of turned to the client and they’re just like, how did you know that?

How, how could you figure that out? There’s no way. 

[00:25:31] Emma-Louise Parkes: I didn’t know it. You knew 

[00:25:32] Kyle Haskins: it. Exactly. Yeah. Like it’s so quick that the subconscious goes to specific events. That there’s no possible way that I could know, but it knows because it’s something that’s genuinely impacting. 

[00:25:45] Emma-Louise Parkes: And it is, and it goes, so, you know, someone that’s had this therapy, it goes so quickly because you literally will be like, oh, okay.

Is there a trapped emotion that we can release this, printing this? And then you start using it. And you’re like, yes. Is it here? Is it here? Does it look like that? And you’re asking all these questions and muscle testing, like, is it here? Is it in this part of the body is on the left is on the right of the page.

And then you’ll suddenly be like, okay, so we’ve got this one that we can release now. Did you get there in like 20 seconds? 

[00:26:12] Kyle Haskins: Yeah, it’s a fascinating process. And I’m just going through charts. Like I’ve got charts that represent different energies or different emotions in different parts of the body. And so I just used yes or no question.

Does the subconscious, is it this thing, you know, is it on the side of the page with the emotion CoachArt, which is two columns. So is it in column a knows that in column B? Yes. Is that an odd row? No, even a row. Yes. And then I narrow it down and just keep asking them until I get yes. And then that’s, you know, it takes us to what we need to know what we need to.

[00:26:43] Emma-Louise Parkes: So once we found this emotion that needs to release in, and you’re like, you know, oh, at age five you felt sadness. And it was about your brother and a friend and it was related to school or, you know, because it is that kind of precise when we get down to it. How do we. 

[00:27:01] Kyle Haskins: Okay. So we release it by swiping, um, our hand, which hand has got magnetic properties in it.

And we swap it over the governing vessel Meridian, which is an energy line that runs from the forehead up over the head and on the back of the body. So this is kind of a mixture between energy medicine, being magnetics, magnetic energy, and then acupuncture using the governing base and Meridian. And really the main core thing here is that we’re setting an intention.

To release this energy. So once each emotion has been heard, every emotion wants us to know certain amounts about itself. Like you say that it had something to do with your brother in schooling and et cetera, and where in the body it is once it’s had its say, it’s ready to go. And so when we swipe, we set the intention to tell the body and the subconscious to just let that energy go.

And the analogy I’d use here is taking a magnet to the back of a credit card. If you rub the magnet against the mags drop on the credit card, you raise the information. And so the magnetic energy of that. We can also use magnets, but it just tells the body erase that no longer relevant. And that’s it.

That’s a, pain-free super easy. I think it’s like a lot of, a lot of my clients have just like said it like didn’t hurt. I’m like, you know, and at the end of the session, that typical thing, I just ask people, how do you feel then the most common statement is I feel like. 

[00:28:23] Emma-Louise Parkes: Yeah, I could, I can concur with that.

I generally, because we’re on opposite sides of the world. Literally, I have always tried to have sessions in the late evening, my time early morning, your time. And what’s really nice about that is I just get, get into bed, do meditation and, and sleep, um, while I integrate. So that’s the other thing that I’d love to touch on is the integration aspect of it.

Obviously, we talked about that homeostasis of, you know, we balance out all of our lived experiences and we tried to replicate it because it feels nice and safe to our subconscious and our nervous system. So if we’re releasing some big hunks of negative energy that we no longer need, what’s going to happen during that kind of recalibration process.

[00:29:11] Kyle Haskins: So what happens is. Your body changes, its energetic frequency. So if you think that every emotion has a frequency, you consider something like the love. That’s a high vibrating emotion, happiness, high vibrating emotion. When we feel those, they feel really good. They like the body up and feel excited. We want to explore the world.

We feel really happy and want to just engage with people. The chapter motions we work with are low vibrating emotions, shame, anger, sadness, heartache, resentment, by comparison, the low vibration they’re heavy, they’re dense. And so when we release them, what actually happens is by law of averages, the average vibration of your body increases, then it starts to lift up.

If anyone out there is ever read David Hawkins stuck with David Hawkins, power versus force. He’s got a map of consciousness, which is where each person can calibrate. And as we move up into higher levels of love and peace, et cetera, and I really believe that trapped emotions hold us down. So when we release it, your energetic.

Which is the energy part of you immediately transforms to a higher vibration, but your physical body takes it at a time to catch up that needs to shake those energies out from wherever they were located. If it was in organs or specific parts of the body, the physical actually needs to change. And so that integration processes, the time it takes.

But your physical body to catch up to where your energetic body has now shifted to. And so people might feel a bit lethargic, a little bit tired if you’ve ever had energy healing before. It’s a pretty common thing. You just, you feel a little bit zonked. Sometimes the word that I like to use. Sometimes as part of their process, when the emotions let go, we feel them, they give off a little essence of themselves.

And I usually just tell clients to thank them, send them on their way and let them know they’ve been there for too long and they should let the door, hit them on the way out and just breathe. And then it changes and we re shift, we just shift to a new, higher space where those things that we had previously held.

[00:31:07] Emma-Louise Parkes: So I know in the book, a lot of the examples given are around physical ailments that actually releasing the trapped emotions have, um, you know, have completely subsided. Um, I know a lot of your work as well as with business owners, so it’s a lot around. Um, you know, self limited beliefs and other ways that we are blocking success, et cetera, obviously, within confidentiality, what is your favorite result that you’ve had from working with someone?

I know you’ve seen some like huge transformations in all areas, but what stands out to you as like, wow, like even you couldn’t believe the difference.

[00:31:51] Kyle Haskins: It’s so hard to choose. Like I think I’ve been in such a privileged position to just see such incredible changes for people. Um, wow. I’d really have to think. You know, when I think about it, I just think about when I first started doing the emotion code. So when I was doing my portfolio for my certification, there were two.

Really stand out things. I mean, actually, I’m going to give you three. So it’s the one that was a client that came to me, um, to just work through some childhood stuff. But she suffered from Barbara myalgia, which is an unexplained pain in the body that there’s no real explanation about why it happens. You just kind of get given some pain pills and sent on your way to just manage it for the rest of your life.

And we worked through those childhood things and her pain. So like struggled to walk and get through her life on a daily basis because of the pain. And then she just messaged me and she was like, you won’t believe it, but my plane’s gone. And so that was just mind blowing that in itself. And then I worked with a young girl who.

Had an, she would come up from school everyday with stomach aches and she wasn’t able to see her friends cause she was worried about her pain. And her mom basically said she had become like a shadow of herself. She wasn’t this bright spot. We happy child that she had been. And I released a couple of emotions for.

And she went back to school and she stopped missing school. Then she spent some time with her friends and her mom would say that she was upstairs with their friends laughing. So she came back to be that same, that same child. And the other one, actually wasn’t another child who was suffering from panic attacks and had been missing school to have panic attacks and had been to doing that for a couple of years and had tried lots of different things, different doctors, et cetera.

And after a couple of sessions, panic attacks stop. So. Lots of different things like that. And obviously, you know, physical stuff, emotional stuff, just relationship changes and improvements, people, healing things with. Family and friends that they’ve long had like, um, strife around. And that just changes as soon as we let go of those things that have happened later on in life.

So there’s too many. I can’t choose one 

[00:34:05] Emma-Louise Parkes: life-changing I love that. And we could go on and this is going to be a really, really well, this has been a really long episode, but I really not it because I think this is important work that people need to need to see. And I love what you said there, because I think in.

General society. A lot of us find more holistic remedies or energy work because we’ve tried all the other things because we’ve been to the doctors and we’ve had the tests and we’ve tried this. So I, I think a lot of people come to these type of. Practices with that energy of like, I’ll try and almost, not necessarily believe in it, you know, not maybe as open as I was like, I’ve read the book.

That’s interesting. But like, I will try anything because I have been everywhere and I can’t find anything that’s helping me here. So I think that’s, that must be just so lovely for you when you get people in that, like so desperate that you can provide that kind of relief that they need. 

[00:35:01] Kyle Haskins: Yeah, like I’m at my word saying, please help me.

Everything I possibly can just do it. Just help me please. Yeah. Beautiful. It is beautiful. 

[00:35:15] Emma-Louise Parkes: I love the work you do, obviously. I’m a serial clients. I’m going to drop all of your details in the show notes. So anyone that wants to connect with Kyle and learn any more about this and maybe see how emotion code could help them.

But before I let you go, obviously I’m going to ask you for recommendation of a book that could help my audience, who are looking to grow and scale that online businesses. 

[00:35:39] Kyle Haskins: Um, so my favorite book, really, and I re-read rebated quite often, um, The vortex by Brandix. I’ve 

[00:35:50] Emma-Louise Parkes: got 

[00:35:53] Kyle Haskins: one of 1000 cycles 

[00:35:54] Emma-Louise Parkes: I have. Yeah, it’s on the Kindle, but now I haven’t read it yet, yet.

[00:35:59] Kyle Haskins: And so it’s Abraham Hicks books, all about the law of attraction, but basically the Baltics is all about relationships and our dynamic of relationships in our life. And the reality is that everything that we do is a relationship, whether it’s us and our relationship to money, as in our relationship to our children, to people that we do business with.

Everything has a relationship. And so understanding that dynamic and how we can use law of attraction, changing our thoughts, our beliefs, the things that we focus on and the energy we’re giving off to improve those relationships and attract in what we want was the game changer for me when I, when I read it probably a decade ago.

And so that would definitely be my recommended. 

[00:36:44] Emma-Louise Parkes: Perfect and pop the link to that in the show notes and to the emotion code book and to power versus force, because I thought you were going to choose that book. I know, but you mentioned it earlier, but I think that is, um, good read and to go along with understanding.

You know, the vibration of the emotions and things. So, um, we will pop all of those in 

[00:37:07] Kyle Haskins: the show notes. Choose that 

[00:37:11] Emma-Louise Parkes: it’s heavy. Yeah. Do you know another guest recommended it was Gemma went actually Gemma recommended. I’m not sure if it was that book, but it was another one of his book. 

[00:37:24] Kyle Haskins: I like to read called letting go, which is all about emotional experiences.

Beautiful book. Absolutely. If you’re looking to let go of things and change your mindset, that’s a good one. And it’s not a heavy read. Let’s 

[00:37:37] Emma-Louise Parkes: put all four of those in the show. 

[00:37:41] Kyle Haskins: Everyone recommends one book. 

[00:37:43] Emma-Louise Parkes: Maybe I’ll start, I’ll start sharing the contents of my Kindle in the ship. Let’s not do that, Kyle, thank you so much for coming and sharing your beautiful emotion code wisdom with us today.

[00:37:57] Kyle Haskins: Thank you. It’s been a pleasure to be here and just such a privilege. So thanks for having me.