The whole story

January 13, 2021

Unpopular opinion: Online business is NOT all sunshine & rainbows…
Especially not in the early days
I spent a lot of time feeling like a deer in the headlights
A lot of time utterly miserable watching everyone else ‘killing it’ (or appearing to be)
I had a 5 figure WEEK followed by a zero revenue month (talk about rollercoaster)
I spent an entire session with my coach in tears
I showed up every single day sharing content for months before anyone wanted to hire me (in fact it barely got comments or likes)
I put out more ‘book a call’ CTAs than I can remember with zero uptake – when someone did book 9 times out of 10 they cancelled last minute or just didn’t show up
I also spent a lot of time hiding away in ‘busy’ work behind the scenes where I felt safe…
Getting visible was NOT something that came easily to me & is still something I’m working on daily
As introverts it’s often not natural for us to want attention for the sake of attention
But through learning solid marketing principles & taking them step by step I started to see my visibility as less about ‘showing off’. I stopped thinking of it as ‘scary’. And more importantly, I prioritized being visible daily
Uncomfortable? You bet
Necessary for my business growth? Yes
Worth it? 1000%!
Remember not everything you see online is the whole story – but the fact that I can overcome my visibility challenges means that it’s 100% possible for you too ❤️