
January 6, 2021

My word for 2021 is…


If you had told me this even 6 months ago I would’ve spat my coffee out laughing

I used to hide

I was inconsistent online

I once spent an entire session with my coach mapping out a business plan that involved zero social media

It felt too hard

I didn’t know what to do

And I was scared I’d get exhausted

All of which to say…

That despite quadrupling my audience since July

Despite my consistent social media presence

Despite replacing my corporate salary

Despite being an executive contributor for Brainz Magazine & featured as one of their Global 500 Leaders

Despite The Ambitious Introvert Podcast getting 1000+ downloads in the first 6 weeks & being a finalist in the Podcasting For Business Awards 2021

DESPITE me choosing it as my word of 2021…

Visibility does NOT come easily to me

Especially as an introvert

But you know what?

The desire to coach others & create this business was greater than my fear (if only ever so slightly)

So if you feel the same as I did – that it’s hard, it’s draining, & that everyone else does it so effortlessly (reality check – they don’t) then remember…

Though it may feel impossible now, ANYTHING is possible once you put your mind to it & decide what’s important to you!