How I Close 100% Of My Sales Calls

February 1, 2021

Happy February fellow introverts! Today I’m bringing you a solo episode to give you a bit of an update on what I’ve been working on since the beginning of the new year and how I plan on impacting more introverts through digital products, intensives, and of course my 1:1 coaching amongst some other exciting projects!

I’m sharing:

  • Exciting things happening in my visibility journey
  • How you can create a WORKING visibility strategy 
  • Some offerings that I’ve changed due to scope creep
  • All things sales calls:
    • How to look for red flags
    • Detaching from the outcome
    • Referrals and reputation
    • Treating it like an two way interview
    • And ultimately how I closed 100% of my sales calls
  • Creating powerful content

Resources Mentioned:

The Social Bungalow Instagram

Visible Success Intensive