Buyer psychology

November 11, 2020

Grab yourself a coffee for a buyer psychology lesson…
Your potential clients know they have a problem, but do they know what the solution is? Some do & some don’t…
When you’re crafting content this is a really important distinction to make
Let’s say potential client 1 is problem aware & potential client 2 is solution aware
Client 1 has impostor syndrome & it’s holding them back in their business
When you’re writing content for client 1 your focus should be on the problem – what are they struggling with? How do they feel? What do they want? Then explain how you could help them – let’s say you do RTT. You educate them why RTT is a great solution, how it helps with impostor syndrome, how it will get them to where they want to be
They’re interested (because they’re aware of the problem & want it solved!). They read more of your content. They want to learn more about RTT. They like & trust you – you’re an expert who knows how to help them
What you give a problem aware buyer is the confidence that your work (in this case RTT) solves their problem
Now, client 2 has impostor syndrome & heard on a podcast how RTT helps overcome it
So she’s researching RTT practitioners. She comes across your content – she’s looking for something different to client 1
Because she’s already sold on RTT (solution aware) she needs to now be sold on YOU
In this case your content should include testimonials, results & transformation stories, showcase your qualifications, experience & share your journey to help her connect with you on a personal level
In effect, what you want to give a solution aware buyer is the permission to hire YOU
Your audience includes people at both stages – does your copy speak to both the problem aware & solution aware?