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January 30, 2023

We’re taking a break from the ‘How I Think About…..’ series this week – instead I’m sharing a behind the scenes round-up of my business this month. I’ve had positive feedback when I’ve recorded episodes like this in the past so I’m excited to share what’s been going on in my business in the first […]

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January BTS Business Round Up

End of Year Business Tidy Up - What can you clean up ready for 2023?

December 26, 2022

As a minimalist at heart, I LOVE to keep things as simple as possible. This is true of my personal life AND my business, and at this time of year when things start to wind down I take the opportunity to have a good old spring clean. In today’s solo episode (and the last of […]

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End of Year Business Tidy Up – What can you clean up ready for 2023?

Taking Back Your Time with Reese Spykerman

December 5, 2022

How many ‘must-use’ productivity hacks have you tried? And how many have worked?

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Taking Back Your Time with Reese Spykerman

November 14, 2022

The common narrative in the online space is all about growing your business – but what if you actually want to go the other way and scale DOWN? In today’s episode I’m chatting with coach Megan Yelaney. Megan helps her clients establish their unique brand voice in the online space using what Megan calls her […]

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Creating the ‘Wrong’ Business & The Importance of Profit with Megan Yelany

Protecting Your Business with Sarah Waldbuesser Esq

October 24, 2022

This episode of The Ambitious Introvert® Podcast is one that is so important for entrepreneurs and so overlooked.  When I trademarked The Ambitious Introvert®, so many of you reached out and said, wow, it looks really official. It does give that perceived credibility, and it looks really great.  But there is SO much more to […]

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Protecting Your Business with Sarah Waldbuesser Esq

September 26, 2022

It’s time for a deep dive into a guest’s business again! And one of the reasons I’m very excited about this week’s episode is because I get to highlight a product-based business, and this doesn’t happen very often. All of my clients are service-based, but I know that many of you have product-based businesses, so […]

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From Idea to 7-Figure Company with Tu-Hien Le

June 13, 2022

Today we’re taking a look at how other entrepreneurs run their business! My friend Kim Argetsinger is a mindset coach and business mentor who works with high achieving heart-centred passion driven creatives, entrepreneurs, and coaches. She helps them to build, grow and scale profitable businesses on their own terms (with a big emphasis on ‘your […]

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Owning your Zone of Genius to Grow a Business You Love with Kim Argetsinger

May 23, 2022

Welcome to today’s episode, where I’m interviewing Tarzan Kay – a former copywriter-for-hire who specialises in emails that are fun to read, and more addictive than Netflix! We chat about ethical, values based marketing, understanding your audience, growing your email list and not putting all of your real estate in social media. Tarzan teaches her […]

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Values Based Marketing and Email as a Long Term Strategy with Tarzan Kay

May 2, 2022

Welcome to this week’s solo episode, all about one of my favourite types of support – masterminds. I explain what masterminds are (and what they aren’t), why I believe they’re such a powerful container, some previous masterminders real world business results, and whether or not a Mastermind is right for you and your business. Plus, […]

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An Introverts Guide to Masterminds