February Behind the Scenes Roundup

February 27, 2023

Welcome to this week’s episode of The Ambitious Introvert® Podcast, where I’m sharing a roundup of what’s been going on behind the scenes in February. I’m actually recording this a week before the release date, so consider this a three quarter roundup of the month so far!

I’ve had a very content-heavy start to the month, including batch recording solo and guest podcast episodes, and I’ve also been planning a few exciting things coming in the next few months. 

In this week’s episode I talk about:

  • The free masterclass I’ve been planning (inspired by the feedback I had on the social media episodes of the podcast I released recently) which you can register for below
  • What my team and I have been up to on the tech side of things (and why this will give you a better experience if you’re on my email list)
  • How I plan (read: space out) my trips to London to ensure I protect my energy
  • How I’ve been sticking to my word of the year (even if it has been painful this week!)
  • Why having an awareness of our energy is so important for introverts and highly sensitives, and why this led me to join the mastermind I’m part of this year


Register to join me on The Social-Free StartUp for Introverts Masterclass on 6th March at 2pm EST/7pm GMT


The Class (the mindful fitness classes I’ve been enjoying)

Tools of Titans by Tim Ferriss


Website: http://www.emmalouiseparkes.com

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ambitiousintrovert/

Facebook Group: The Ambitious Introvert® Network


Ready to start your online business journey with a coach who just ‘gets’ you? Join The Ambitious Introvert® Academy waitlist to hear the full details of the next round (coming March 2023) 

Interested in working with me 1:1? Fill out this form to start the conversation! https://bit.ly/2QQAwcx