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July 17, 2023

This week on The Ambitious Introvert® Podcast I’m joined by Messaging & Strategy Consultant Liz Rohr. Liz supports her clients to communicate what they do, who it’s for and how they do it – while also giving themselves permission to be truly honest about what they want. Liz is a highly sensitive empath, runs two […]

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Following Your Passions & Using Your Strengths in Business with Liz Rohr

July 10, 2023

We all know the coaching industry is unregulated, and unfortunately that means we’ve seen some pretty unscrupulous behaviour online. But thankfully not every coach is like that, and this week I’m joined by the amazing Carly Anna to talk about the change she wants to see in the industry – and how she’s contributing to […]

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Becoming Exceptional and Finding Fulfilment with Carly Anna

July 3, 2023

This week I’m joined by my friend Analena Fuchs who is sharing her expertise on the Gene Keys. Analena is a Human Design coach for conscious introvert leaders, and she helps her clients to create success in a sustainable way that allows them to fully enjoy their life and business. I’m fascinated by my Human […]

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Understanding Yourself Through the Gene Keys

June 12, 2023

Setting goals is one of the first things we do when we start a business, and they’re truly invaluable in keeping you motivated and on track. But there’s a whole other side of setting goals that we don’t always take into account, and this is the exact thing I’m talking about this week on the […]

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Setting Up for Success as a CEO with Byron Morrison

May 29, 2023

To some degree every single entrepreneur out there has experienced what Kelly Ruta and I are talking about on today’s episode – and that’s self-sabotage. It’s something that comes up repeatedly with clients, no matter what stage of business they’re at, and it’s absolutely something that I’ve struggled with too. I’m delighted that Kelly has […]

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Mastering Your Inner Game: Managing Self-Sabotage as an Entrepreneur with Kelly Ruta

May 23, 2023

I’ve been promising regular Client Case Studies for, well, a loooooong time now… and this month I finally did the thing. Honestly I have a full page of ideas for different success stories I could share in detail, and more dropping in with every client win. Expect this as regular monthly programming from now on. Full transparency – […]

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Client Case Study: $25k cash month as a solopreneur service provider

May 1, 2023

This week I’m joined on the podcast by Julia DeWolfe, talking all things cycle-syncing. Julia is a certified Cognitive Behavioral Therapy practitioner, Emotional Freedom Technique practitioner, and Trauma Informed Life Coach. She works with her clients to view the whole picture of themselves and to optimise their unique hormonal cycle, helping them prioritise their true […]

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Cycle-Synching Your Way to Success with Julia DeWolfe

April 10, 2023

This week I’m joined by my first ever returning guest, Emily Walker. Emily is an instructional designer who helps coaches, consultants and other experts to package their knowledge so they can scale and serve more people. Emily is brilliant at what she does and has helped me design all of my programs, and today she’s […]

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ADHD in Business – The Journey from Diagnosis to Treatment, and Beyond with Emily Walker

March 20, 2023

On this week’s episode of The Ambitious Introvert Podcast® I’m joined by Suzie Agelopoulos. Suzie is an AirBnB coach and business mentor – in a nutshell, she helps people make money with AirBnB! Suzie is definitely more on the extrovert end of the scale, but I really wanted to share her story with you because […]

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Turning Your Passion into Profit with Suzie Agelopoulos