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March 13, 2023

In this week’s episode of The Ambitious Introvert® Podcast I’m delighted to be joined by Jo Sweeney, Energy Expert and Leadership Mentor. Jo has been in business for over 10 years and has created a unique framework for supporting her clients in translating their energy into a strategy. This allows them to quantum leap, not […]

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Energy as a Strategy with Jo Sweeney

February 20, 2023

In the first guest episode of the year I’m delighted to be joined by Kate Carter, Mindset Coach and Business Mentor who supports new entrepreneurs with anxiety and mindset hurdles. Kate will be my co-coach in The Ambitious Introvert Academy® and I’m so excited to have her supporting the group! Kate loves to help brand […]

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Cultivating a Success Mindset Early in Business with Kate Carter

How I Think About….Investing

January 16, 2023

Welcome to the third episode in the How I Think About….. Series. This week I’m sharing my thoughts on investing, specifically related to investments in our businesses.

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How I Think About….Investing

How I Think About….Mindset

January 2, 2023

Welcome to the first 2023 episode of The Ambitious Introvert® Podcast and the beginning of a special series of episodes called ‘How I Think About….’ So much of my own growth during my 4 years in business has come not from what I’ve done or what someone else has taught me, but the way I’ve […]

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How I Think About….Mindset

Embracing your Natural Sensitivity with Jessi Michel Agadoni

December 19, 2022

We’ve been speaking A LOT about mindset and business strategy recently on the show, so I’m delighted to change the focus slightly this week to a more physical aspect of sensitivity. Today I’m joined by Jessi Michel Agadoni, who specialises in helping natural sensitives create authentic calm in their bodies – helping them cultivate the […]

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Embracing your Natural Sensitivity with Jessi Michel Agadoni

Fighting Anxiety as an Entrepreneur with Katrina Aronson

December 12, 2022

This week’s episode is on a topic that was requested by an audience member around 9 months ago – how to run a business when you have anxiety. As I don’t suffer from anxiety myself I wanted to speak with an entrepreneur who did, so I’m delighted to welcome my guest Katrina Aronson to share […]

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Fighting Anxiety as an Entrepreneur with Katrina Aronson

The Money Mindset for Business Growth with Amanda Joyce Weber

November 7, 2022

In today’s episode I’m joined by Amanda Joyce Weber, a mindset and sales coach who helps entrepreneurs shift their mindset to create more sales with ease. I started out as a money mindset coach and I still LOVE talking about it to this day! Money mindset is something I help all my clients with, and […]

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The Money Mindset for Business Growth with Amanda Joyce Weber

The Ambitious Introvert podcast - Woody Rini

October 10, 2022

This week’s episode of The Ambitious Introvert® Podcast will hit home with so many of you, because it’s based on a word that comes up with every single client I work with. It’s appeared on every single application I’ve ever had to work with me, and it’s one that I use myself a lot, and […]

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Help, I’m Overwhelmed with Woody Rini

Understanding the Enneagram with

September 12, 2022

It may have taken me two years to get around to this topic, but I have finally done it! You guys know how passionate I am about anything that helps us understand ourselves, any system that gives us permission to lean into who we are rather than make ourselves wrong.  But I have to be […]

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Understanding the Enneagram with Steph Barron Hall