Do you love your product suite

October 8, 2020

Introverts, do you love your product suite?
Because one of the best things about running your own business is that YOU get to decide exactly what you sell
But something I see over & over is people offering services because, well, they’re what everyone else is offering…
Now there’s nothing wrong with a power hour, a VIP day, 12 weeks of coaching, a year long mastermind, or anything in between!
But ask yourself…
Do my products make sense for me? And
Do my products make sense for my clients?
For instance, I love offering free calls each week because it allows me to connect with new people & give them value
I love my Clarity to Clients Intensive as my introvert superpower is helping others get clarity – I love seeing my clients so crystal clear & motivated at the end of the session!
And I really love my 6 month VIP 1:1 – not only do I get to make a deep connection with my client, but I get to use my entire coaching experience & toolbox (14 years, 7 accreditations & counting) to help them create massive transformations in their business, finances & life
Now I’m launching The Ambitious Introvert Podcast – and so far creating it has been both fun and nourishing, has allowed me to meet some amazing guests & to reach other ambitious introverts by means of one of my own favourite ways to consume content & learn
You could say my product suite fills up my cup while offering ALL levels of value to my clients & audience – both of which are so important to me as an introvert!
So my challenge to you, introverted business owner, is this – do an honest audit of your product suite – does it light you up AND serve your clients? If not, what can you change?