Email Marketing for Introverts with Sarah Anderson

January 10, 2022

Welcome to this week’s episode of the Ambitious Introvert! Today, Sarah Anderson is joining us to talk about email marketing. I’m surprised we haven’t covered it because email marketing is something that’s been really important to my business success, but is something that I didn’t utilise very well at the start. Now however, I cannot imagine my business without it! So I’m excited to bring email marketing to the forefront as a tool of introvert friendly marketing as well. 

Sarah’s Zone of Genius is email marketing, specifically welcome sequences that nurture your audience, creating a connection via email, and re-engaging your email list. Find out how you can work with her here.

Sarah and I Discuss:

  • Why the first few emails of a sequence are the most important
  • How to effectively use an email autoresponder, especially as an introvert 
  • What to include in your welcome sequence to set yourself up for success
  • The average open rate to aim for 
  • Quick and easy steps to get your welcome sequence started today 

Sarah’s book recommendation for the Ambitious Introvert:

The Gifts of Imperfection by Brené Brown

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Click here for a raw, unedited transcript of this episode
[00:00:00] Emma-Louise Parkes: Hi guys, welcome to this week’s episode of the ambitious. And a topic that I am really surprised that we’ve been going for well over a year now they’ve never covered before because email marketing is something that’s been really huge to my business and something that I didn’t utilize very well at the start.

And now I can not imagine living without, and we’ve discussed many introvert friendly marketing platforms such as Pinterest and LinkedIn. So I’m excited to bring. Email marketing to the forefront of that as well. And I am going to hand over to today’s guest to introduce herself and let you know why she’s the person that you need to learn this from.

Thank you so much for joining me. 

[00:00:51] Sarah Anderson: Hi, I’m so happy to be here. 

[00:00:53] Emma-Louise Parkes: So Sarah, please tell my audience a little bit about you and your business and who you help. 

[00:00:58] Sarah Anderson: Yeah. So my name is Sarah Marie Anderson, and I am a copywriter and email marketing strategists. I love email and I love working with professional service providers.

Entrepreneurs small businesses. Uh, my specialty is really welcome sequences. Cause I love to create this like first contact with your subscribers, um, and a sequence that can help you connect with potential clients, share your expertise and make a lasting first impression. 

[00:01:22] Emma-Louise Parkes: Okay. I love that. I love it. And first impression is so important.

Of course it’s not everything, but I just. Whether it’s, you know, as a clan, if I’m being onboarded by someone or, you know, yeah. I’ve signed up for something free. And I joined someone’s email list. Like I really attach a lot to how I feel in those first moments. I’m going to save an email coming through 

[00:01:48] Sarah Anderson: for sure.

And also with emails. So important that you spend a little bit of time on those first few emails, because that is when your subscribers are the most engaged that’s when you’re going to see the highest open rates really of any emails you would send is those first few emails, because that’s when people are usually like, they’ve signed up for a thing on your website and they’re going to their email to look for that email, to like, look for your name and hear from you.

And so it’s a really great time to kind of solidify that connection and like help people. Li connect your name with something great in their inbox so that when they see you come through, they’re like, oh yeah, that’s that person that sent me that cool checklist or that interesting little tidbit, something, I didn’t know, I’m going to open that email.


[00:02:29] Emma-Louise Parkes: so before we move into more of the, you know, like let’s look technically at welcome sequence says, and, and what they could include and how to make an amazing, welcome sequence, we would just discuss them before we hit record. And I think this is important. Email for some reason feels very safe. Yeah. We like safety.

My people like safety, I like safety and it feels very personal. And that might sound strange. But think about it. If you read someone’s social media posts, you know that that’s just outlet the world, but when you go into your inbox and someone has emailed you, I think. Four, maybe five email lists and that is it because, you know, my inbox is my sanctuary on.

Yeah. I do like to keep it very clear, but like, who am I going to let in that I’m just going to let people in the, I feel very safe, but I’m going to read everything that they say. 

[00:03:30] Sarah Anderson: Yeah, email feels really one to one, even though it is a one-to-many type of marketing strategy. When you’re writing the email, you can write it to one person because the person that’s reading it is one person and you can have the.

One-on-one conversations back. It really opens it up. And I know on like Instagram, people can comment, but then you’re doing this like conversation in public, in the comments where an email, they could reply back to you. You can reply back to them. And it’s this like, kind of like you say, private sort of safe way to connect with people in a way that just feels totally different than some of the other.

Kind of loud and noisy marketing strategies that are out there that we hear about all the time. One 

[00:04:08] Emma-Louise Parkes: of my clients is an amazing writer. She’s got an amazing email, welcome sequence and emails, her list regularly. And almost all of her clients, when you know, she’ll be like, oh, I signed a new client. And it’s like, okay, where did it come from?

And she was like, oh, well, they’ve been responding to my emails. 

[00:04:28] Sarah Anderson: Yeah, it’s a really great way to kind of deepen that connection with people. Um, and, and as a thing to email, I know it can be overwhelming for a lot of people. And so maybe you think, oh, email marketing or people going to be like, emailing me back all the time.

And usually that doesn’t happen. That’s not like a big thing. And that’s the other thing, too, that you can kind of decide how you want to handle that part of email marketing. If you’re going to respond every day, once a week, if you have a VA that responds for you, if you don’t have an autoresponder, like it doesn’t have to be this thing of like, oh my gosh, now I’m going to have to have all these conversations in my inbox.

And I’m so overwhelmed. Like it’s really, um, can be a great way to connect with people. One-on-one but it doesn’t have to like take over your brain or your. 

[00:05:12] Emma-Louise Parkes: So, I’m glad you brought up the auto responder. Let’s talk about that for a moment because I have that on my emails as you may well have seen when you’ve contacted me.

So, um, I just, I have an autoresponder set up like constantly, and it is really clear, like, Times that I check my email, how long the response time is, or if people need a certain thing, if they’re interested in my services, or if they’re just in the podcast, it’s got links to those things. So I think what that does as an introvert, it takes the pressure off because.

To me, if I didn’t respond, someone’s email in like a day, I would feel awful. But now it’s like, well, I know they’ve been responded to, and I know they’re not expecting to hear from me for two or three days. So like most of the time it is much faster, but I think that’s a really great tool for people to utilize.

If you are worried about like, oh my gosh. Um, and I’m people do respond to emails. 

[00:06:06] Sarah Anderson: Yeah, that’s a great boundary to set up with the autoresponder or sometimes what I’ll do I have in my welcome email, I ask people to reply. I ask them a couple of questions to respond back. Like, how did you find me? Where in the world are you?

You know, do you have any questions about email marketing and I have put in now. I read every reply. Um, cause I used to say I respond to every reply, but it got to be where it’s like, sometimes I can’t do it. So I’m just going to set that in that, that expectation there of that, like I’m reading this, I’m paying attention and sometimes I’ll respond back.

I try to, but you know, if I don’t it’s okay. It’s not like, um, you know, people are kind of waiting on my email back to them. 

[00:06:45] Emma-Louise Parkes: Sometimes, if I change my P my P S is generally whatever I marked and at the time, but sometimes if I changed my PS, if I’ve got like, I’m asking people a question and I will put it in the.

I respond personally because a lot of coaches have tell, you know, I do have a team and an admin team, and that do things for me. But when it comes to responding to emails, if anyone emails me from my newsletter, it’s me, that’s going to respond. So I wanted to make that clear that, you know, like I will, if you reach out, I will get in touch.

They won’t be like, you know, outsource to 

[00:07:19] Sarah Anderson: someone else. Yeah. That was actually me. And that’s the kind of a thing too, is that like, You know, like some people do have a team and like, they, they aren’t really on social media. And so email is kind of another cool way that it can be sort of smaller, sort of more intimate, sort of more like.

Easier to connect in that way for, for introverts and people that have low energy sometimes 

[00:07:41] Emma-Louise Parkes: for sure. And I will share a little bit about my own email, um, strategy if that’s the word a little bit later, because I, you know, designed it to work for me, with my energy and not be overwhelmed. And as you said, I would love to get into the welcome sequence because this is something I’m going to hands up.

Well, 1st of September, we’re recording this. It’s probably more like maybe December, January, that you’re listening to it. I do not have a welcome sequence. Which is terrible. I have an email, I have one welcome emails. So people, depending on what people are signing up for, they get that delivered and they get a welcome email that is very much like welcome to my world.

This is who I am. This is what I do. And it links them to other resources that they could find useful such as the podcast and things. Um, I’m going through a message and change at the moment. So that’s why I’m sitting on not doing it. I really appreciate the value of that. Like, I’m just putting my hand up and saying I’m not perfect.

Um, you know, in it, but I really do appreciate the value because of signing up to other people’s and yeah, it’s that half-life of enthusiasm, as you say, like that’s when people are the keenest in those first few days that they’re getting to know you. 

[00:08:57] Sarah Anderson: Yeah. And like we were talking earlier, You don’t have a welcome sequence, but you do have your content strategy very planned out and dialed in.

And you say that you email every week. So like that is one way to do it. But some people that aren’t quite as organized or maybe don’t have things quite as, uh, planned out like that, it can be really. Jarring or like, you know, first subscriber to get your welcome email and then maybe they don’t hear from you for like three, four weeks because your in between things you haven’t done, you know, a new episode, a new blog posts, you don’t have something to email your list.

You maybe fell off. I mean, life stuff happens and you might not email. So that’s another reason I love the welcome sequence is it’s on autopilot. You can set it up once and then it’s just, they’re welcoming people in and making sure. Everyone gets the same important information that they need when they’re first getting to know you.

Um, cause that’s the thing too, that it’s like you do the work once and it can work for you like in perpetuity. Um, and do you there in the background, you don’t have to look. 

[00:09:57] Emma-Louise Parkes: Which we love, we love automation and we love ease. So it’s going to do the heavy lifting for you. So what kinds of things absolutely need to be in the welcome sequence to make the most of it?

[00:10:11] Sarah Anderson: Yeah. So definitely you want to have the welcome email that delivers them. Their freebie kind of gets them excited, like lets them know what to expect from your email lists. Like are you going to be emailing them? Aton time. Like sometimes people email daily and that’s fine, that’s a strategy. But if you’re going to email people daily, you might want to let them know like, Hey, I’m going to email you every day.

Maybe email once a week. Um, another great email to have in there is an intro of you, your story kind of either like kind of a. Modified like about page, sort of like how you got into it or, you know, your why behind your business, just kind of giving a, like a personality and a face to the name in the inbox and sort of telling them a little bit more about you and how you can help.

Um, another great email is. The like a survey type email where you can either do something where they click a survey, like click a link to tell you more about them. They can like hit reply to tell you something they can like, maybe you have them ask a question. Like, what do you want to know about this topic?

That’s a really great way to get inspiration and ideas for future content products in photo, create for your list. Um, and get to know the people on your email list. You can do that, like a link to a survey too. So that’s not like. Responding to emails all the time. Um, and also I really encourage people to have emails in their welcome sequence about their products and services, so that new subscribers know what you do know, how you can help and know how to reach out to you.

Cause it might be that they’re really keen and they want to hire you right away. They’ve been like searching for a solution, but it could be something that they’re not ready right now. But down the line, you want to be the top of mind kind of person that they think. 

[00:11:53] Emma-Louise Parkes: One that I saw fairly recently that I really liked someone had put, I think it was about the third email.

It was like you say, it was like, this is how to work with me. And they had gone out almost like, you know, this is how to work with me for. And it was like, join this live stream every week, or, you know, you can enter this competition. If you leave a review on my podcast and you can win us. So there was all this, I had two at me for free, or you can listen to my podcast, you can read this blog post, you can blah, blah, blah.

And then it was like, you know how to work with me if you’re just getting started. And it was like, I’ve got this course, I’ve got this group or whatever. And then it was like, You know how to work with me. One-on-one if you’re ready to make real results. So that kind of encapsulated everyone, which I thought was really 

[00:12:39] Sarah Anderson: cool.

Yeah. Cause like, if you think about it under website, that’s probably on several different pages. Someone would have to kind of look around, wander around, click through here and there, where your email can just kind of put that all in like a menu for them and be like, Hey, this is how I can help. These are the different ways, different price points.

I love that idea. Um, another thing. For email and welcome sequences particular is using it to repurpose content. So like things that you’ve created in the past, like you can use your emails to highlight your best content, like your greatest hits, your kind of, you know, these are my most popular blog posts.

These are my top downloaded podcasts, you know, even all the other free resources you offer, maybe you have a free Facebook group, you have a free, you know, masterclass that you offer, things like that, that people. Depending on all the different ways that they’re finding your email list, they might not have seen all this stuff.

So this is another way that you can kind of, you know, hit those highlights for them. And. Welcome a new person in and give them all the information they need to know when they’re first getting to know you 

[00:13:39] Emma-Louise Parkes: I’ve played with that. Um, for my imaginary welcome sequence that doesn’t yet exist is almost doing the, like, you know, have you listened to the podcast?

We’ve got episodes on, like, what do you need help with almost. And then having like marketing, and then I’ve got Pinterest, I’ve got Instagram, I’ve got Facebook groups. Email marketing. Now I’ve got LinkedIn and having those as like clickable links and then have like mindset and we’ve got observed on imposter syndrome.

We’ve got episodes on boundaries. So people have got it all in that one. And it’s literally like a menus. You say like, what do I need help with? And it’s like, oh, I can click and go straight to that 

[00:14:15] Sarah Anderson: episode. And then what you can even do, if you want to get fancy with it, with your email software, you can track those clicks and be like, oh, if they click on this type of topic, Tag them with something so that you can sort of see what your audience is interested in and you can use that to later.

Do a targeted offer to those people that have shown interest in the passionate or create more content and like, oh, wow, this topic’s really popular. Maybe I want to do some more about this. 

[00:14:41] Emma-Louise Parkes: So something that we do, um, or my lovely team do is track my metrics and stats. As you can tell, we would discuss them before.

We’re very organized. We work everything out like a month in advance, and we’re very good with, with data. So. We tracked like the open rates and the bounce rates and the unsubscribe rates. And interestingly from my weekly newsletter, we don’t ever change the subject. Oh, interesting. You know, it always stays the same.

So we know that the amount of opens are not necessarily linked to the subject line because it doesn’t, it doesn’t change. But what we are able to see is we have the podcast episode in there every week. So I do like a Roundup email basically. So it’s like your introvert friendly, weekly Roundup email. And so I always write something special to my email list before it goes out.

Social media. And then I share the podcast show notes. I always share what I’m reading at the moment with a link. I always share something that I love in at the moment. And then we share the most popular content on Facebook last week, the most popular content on Instagram and anything, anywhere that I’ve been featured.

So if I’ve been a guest on a podcast or a blog post. Something like that. So that’s a formula. That’s, that’s our weekly email. Um, I love 

[00:16:02] Sarah Anderson: that, but you’ve got it all set out. So that again makes it so much easier to create the email content. All you have to write is that little bit, and then everything else is pulled from things that you already have planned out.

[00:16:13] Emma-Louise Parkes: And to be honest, when I first started, so I sent a weekly email every week now for over a year. Including Christmas. And when I first started, I didn’t write that little bit because I needed to make it, that I would do that. Like once I said, I’m doing something, I’m going to do it. So if I say I’m emailing people every week, I mean, met with them every week.

So it just used to start with the podcast show notes. But as the capacity’s grown and you know, my content is growing, I’m like, yeah, I’m going to write something to these, but these people are choosing to be here and they’re opening this. So, um, but for anyone, this. Like you said, might think it’s overwhelming or they’ve got to create, you can create a very, just a simple template to follow.

And what I think that does is it, people know what they get. 

[00:17:00] Sarah Anderson: Yeah. Well, I, I think it’s so interesting that you use the same subject line every week. I would love to know the subject line, but that also though really shows the power of like the, from name that they like, see the name it’s from you. And they’ve like gotten to know what this content is and what they expect.

So they’re opening it because they’re like, oh, I’m going to find like a new recommendation of a book that says something cool that she has found that is like very. And like connects with me as an introvert. Like I think that that is another thing that like, you can, you don’t have to make it so complicated with like, oh, I got to like hack the subject behind, let me like look up formulas.

Let me find this like that. That’s really interesting. Yeah. 

[00:17:41] Emma-Louise Parkes: Cause that’s one of the things that would have put me off. I would have just been like, I can’t decide, so I’m not sending anything. And so I give for me, it was like, how can I keep it as simple as possible, but as valuable as possible. And yeah, for me, if I see a subject line that I’m familiar with, I’m like, oh, I know what I’m I know what I’m getting.

We are, I checked the stats before recording. So we are between. 31 and 41% open rates. 

[00:18:09] Sarah Anderson: That’s an excellent open 

[00:18:10] Emma-Louise Parkes: rate. And I think the average is 36 in August. It was lower. It was 28, but everything was lower in August. Cause I think in summer is 

[00:18:17] Sarah Anderson: usually slow vacation everybody. Yeah. 

[00:18:19] Emma-Louise Parkes: So this, you know, the argument about the subject line and the clickbait.

Like, I’m happy with my subject line. It’s doing this job. 

[00:18:28] Sarah Anderson: You have to tell what is the subject line though? I need to 

[00:18:30] Emma-Louise Parkes: know. I think it’s something like, um, you’ll weekly introvert, friendly business round. Hello. Really not like it’s not, I say it’s not entice, it’s obviously incisive, but it’s not, um, it’s not intriguing or, you know, like kind of, kind of sells it.


[00:18:47] Sarah Anderson: not like a click bait thing. Like, oh, you’ve got to open it to find out what this curiosity thing is. 

[00:18:54] Emma-Louise Parkes: One of my audience members said she liked it because it does what it says on the. Yeah. You know, and obviously depending on your audience and who they are, they might react differently. If you’ve got a more extrovert audience, they might need different things.

It might like lots of emojis in the subject line and all of that, but 

[00:19:12] Sarah Anderson: curiosity twists. But I love that with the introverts. They’re like, tell me what it is. If I don’t know what it is, I’m not going to bother reading it. Like yeah. That I, I get that, that, that would work really well for this audience.

That’s that’s really cool. 

[00:19:25] Emma-Louise Parkes: And I, I think part of it was. I subscribed to Kate Northrup’s email list a few years ago. And what I really liked was the first email, like delivered the download or whatever, but she said, you’re going to be here. And from me. X number of times over the next week. In two days, time, I’m going to email you and I’m going to send you this in two days after that, I’m going to email you and share this with you.

And I just felt very much like, thank you, Kate, for keeping me in the loop. Like I know what’s, what’s coming, I’ve got, I’m not going to unsubscribe because I’m interested in learning all of this, but it didn’t feel like, oh, Kate’s emailing me. 

[00:20:10] Sarah Anderson: Yeah. I love that too. That you’re kind of like setting very clear expectations.

Like I don’t always do that. Like to that kind of level of detail, I’ll usually say, oh, you can look forward to hearing about XYZ type of topics from me coming up. But I love that kind of approach where it’s, and it works very well. For people that want to know exactly what’s coming up, but it also works in the curiosity thing of like, I’m going to send you more about this and if you’re intrigued and interested, you’re going to be looking out for that email.

So I think that’s a great strategy to use and something that if you ever do create a welcome sequence could be part of your welcome sequence. 

[00:20:45] Emma-Louise Parkes: So my aim is that by the time, this episode, as I will have a welcome, see. There you go. just to check and hold me accountable. They’ll be DME, man. He didn’t have a work.

I kind of held myself to run. Some of them don’t 

[00:21:02] Sarah Anderson: put out like put off putting out this episode until it’s done. Right. 

[00:21:07] Emma-Louise Parkes: I’m very much about being transparent and business. So like hands up, not perfection here at work, in progress, 

[00:21:14] Sarah Anderson: work and pull up that that’s what we got do. Yeah. 

[00:21:17] Emma-Louise Parkes: And I think something that’s really interesting with email.

Through to approaches that I see. And there is the very like launch sequence and, you know, someone’s running a challenge or they launch launching a product and it’s the, it’s the countdown timers. And it’s the, you know, time-sensitive in brackets and like capitals and which makes my nervous system. Panic a little bit.

Like I see it and oh my God. Um, and of course there’s a place for that very much like sales email, I’m going to say, but what you’re talking about is more of a nurture it’s that it’s the welcome and get to know me versus that. Yeah. I think people could look and think, well, what if people get to the end of my welcome sequence and they haven’t like booked a call or they have.

Purchased the course. And that’s not a failure. 

[00:22:08] Sarah Anderson: No, they’ve gotten to know you, they’re reading your emails and you continue to nurture them. That’s what you do when they’re done. You continue emailing them at whatever frequency will work for you, whether that’s weekly, whether that’s once a month, you know, but you continue.

Building and growing that relationship, it’s not like, okay, they went through this list and they didn’t have the sequence and they didn’t book. So okay. These people write them off, you know, it’s like people, they’re people, they need time. Maybe there’s, it’s just not the right timing. They still need some more information.

They didn’t see all the emails cause people have busy lives and busy inboxes, you know? So there’s just, you just keep, keep going. 

[00:22:43] Emma-Louise Parkes: And we discussed. There’s so many different aspects you can bring in to that sequence. You can have like a mini about me page. You can highlight your services, you can repurpose past content.

You can do all of this. Ultimately, when we get into the last email in that sequence, we’re looking for like a stronger call to action. Ideally, we want people to do some then after maybe four or five emails, obviously that’s going to change. Every business and what we’re selling and you know, how much, how much we’re asking them to do.

So what kind of entry-level I’m going to say, just say it was for a coach, what kind of entry-level CTA? What, what relevant to ask for at the end of an email sequence? Like I think to say click here to purchase like my $10,000. Coaching program might be a bit much, but could you ask people to book call or would it be more to download a digital product or could it be either of 

[00:23:43] Sarah Anderson: those?

I think if either of them could work and I’ve had clients that have done both strategies, whether they’re, it’s like they have people book calls because that’s how they sell their services or they want to start with kind of a little intro thing, whether that’s like a power hour type of thing or a digital product or a small course.

And it can be either. Kind of strategy, you know, there’s a lot of different ways you can make sales with your email list and, you know, and with your welcome emails, you can even do like affiliate stuff is a really valuable way to like, kind of share like free resources or things that you’ve found that maybe save you time and money, but maybe your subscribers don’t know, and you can send them to that service that, you know, other a course or something like that and get a little bit of, um, kickback that way you can also.

How people do calls or share if you have a product, that’s what I kind of love the menu type, um, email. When it’s like, if you have a lot of offers, you can do that. But if you have, like, you want to pick one offer that I’m like, I want to drive people towards this one thing, you can also build a sequence like that.

That kind of, you know, for like a coach, that’s maybe doing a discovery call as their thing. You might do a case study email about some other client that you’ve worked with and some of the results and things that they’ve seen from that. Then you can kind of say, Hey, if you maybe been going through something similar or you would like to see results like this, like get on a call with me, we can talk through it and see if it’d be a good fit.

And that’s something like that where you’re showcasing what you can do and not just saying, oh yeah, book a call with me. And they have no idea. Really the context. 

[00:25:17] Emma-Louise Parkes: I know one of the guests I’ve had on here before we discussed, um, that she sold out her one-on-one because she did a challenge. So basically everyone that signed up for the challenge went onto the email sequence and at the end of the challenge and, you know, not everyone turned up, obviously life, the challenge because people never do, but she offered people the opportunity to book a call with her, uh, a really low.

Compared to her usual. And it was that one off chance to do it. Um, I think it was for like $99 for an hour, which is like way cheaper than she would usually be. And then. Something like 11 of those people, that book, the call went on to be one-on-one plans. So, you know, it wasn’t about like, oh, this is a really cheap car.

It was that it was a low barrier to entry of like, oh, we’ve been reading your emails or been part of the challenge. And now actually, yeah, we’d love to book a call with you and then go in. I would love to go on and work with you. 

[00:26:13] Sarah Anderson: Yeah. And that’s probably in the challenge, they got to see kind of, if they connect it with her style, her teaching style, this stuff that she shared for free, it was probably already helping them that it’s like, okay, let me try this thing.

And then it was like, oh my gosh, we’re paid work is just as good or even better. Yeah, then they continue to want to work with you. And it’s sort of that like ladder, you know, that people kind of S you know, your email is a really, um, you know, it’s free to get on and people can start to get to know you that way, and then they can take the next step.

And that’s what your emails can do is lead them that. 

[00:26:44] Emma-Louise Parkes: It’s something for me, like, just as we’re talking through it and thinking, cause I have Facebook group ambitious introvert network, and I’m thinking, you know, that could be a really good end of the email secret. If I didn’t necessarily want to book calls, if my one-on-ones full or I’m not launching anything at the moment, I like that could be really great because then I’ve got people on the email list and in the Facebook group.

So they get, you know, different interaction, different contents. 

[00:27:08] Sarah Anderson: Yeah. You’re getting like kind of that like cross pur, you know, They’re showing up in different ways, seeing you multiple different places so that when you are in a promotional period, they probably see the messages in their inbox, and then they see it on Facebook too.

And they’ve got other ways to connect with you. Yeah. 

[00:27:24] Emma-Louise Parkes: So for anyone that’s thinking, I really want to implement this, but I feel super overwhelmed and I’m not in a position to hire a copywriter. And I had to, you know, I can’t go down that route. What are just three super simple ways that they can start to create.

Welcome sequence. 

[00:27:42] Sarah Anderson: Yeah. So if you don’t have anything at all, like if you’re just the very beginning, start with a welcome email, like that is really an earlier in the show, you kind of walk, talk through what’s in yours, um, that it can just be very simple of like, here’s the thing you signed up for. Here’s just a little bit about me, just a sentence or two about you, who you help.

And some other places where they can connect with you. And then what you can do is if you’ve got that. You can start to build out and look at, okay, what are my most popular content? Like, that’s another great email that you can put together very easily list out, kind of a few things you don’t want to do like too many links.

You want to overwhelm people, but even if you do like top three to five things that you’ve made at, or if you have. Uh, mainly magnet, but you have another great one that maybe you don’t promote as much, or it’s not your thing. You could share that in another email, like, Hey, here’s another thing I thought you might like, and then you can do, um, another email, which would be.

Maybe here’s how to work with me and do that kind of menu of services, free things, kind of to lead people to the next step with you. And it could be a very simple, welcome sequence you could start with, uh, and you can run it and see what happens. You can start to optimize it after you kind of have it go in for a little while, see how people are responding to it.

And from there you can always, you know, improve it and create more. It. 

[00:29:03] Emma-Louise Parkes: So I love that because we’ve all got either an about me page. If we’ve got a website or we will be doing intro posts on social media, we’ll know about ourselves. So it should be pretty easy to put an email together, introducing ourselves.

We should have other content that we can share, and we should definitely have services that we can share. So that those three are not that difficult, really to protect. Yeah, 

[00:29:27] Sarah Anderson: and that’s a really great place to start. And then from there, you know, you can get fancy with like the survey type emails or things like that, but you don’t have to, you can just start with something that gets those first subscribers, something to, to get from you when they’ve just subscribed.

And they’re actually actively looking for you in their inbox. And they’re very excited that you’ve got like high open rates because people are the most interested when they first start. 

[00:29:52] Emma-Louise Parkes: Well, I I’m going to have to get myself into gear. Obviously. Like I say, by this time I released this, ain’t going to be like, I’m just going to keep pushing the release date.

No, not really. I wouldn’t do that. I wouldn’t do that, but you can hold me accountable. Obviously. I’m going to pop all of your details in the show notes. So anyone that wants to connect with you and learn more about how you can help them at design, that there will come sequence will be there. But before I let you go, obviously I’m going to ask you your book recommendation for any ambitious introverts that are growing and scaling their business.

[00:30:26] Sarah Anderson: Yes. So my book that I would like to recommend is the gifts of imperfection by Bernay brown. I love Bernie brown, um, and this is the one that kind of outlines her principles for wholehearted living. And it actually gives like some very. Easy to implement sort of tips. And I think it’s great for perfectionist, obviously from the name.

Um, and it talks about like perfectionism being this 20 ton shield that you feel like it’s protecting you, but it really weighs you down. Um, and I know for me, I don’t think that’s just exclusively to introverts, but I know for me, perfectionism is something that I struggle with. So I think it’s a great book.

If you’re trying to learn how to be a little bit more authentically you and kind of step into, you know, what makes me great. The person that I am instead of trying to be what you see other people trying to, you know, other people being. So, uh, that’s, that’s my recommendation. 

[00:31:16] Emma-Louise Parkes: Thank you. No one has ever recommended that one before, so definitely I’m going to add that to my list as well.

So that’s probably going to be in an email in the future as well. Like what I’m reading this week in my book, 

[00:31:28] Sarah Anderson: quick read. It’s like less than 200 pages. So it’s like an easy, easy book. So it’s. 

[00:31:34] Emma-Louise Parkes: Perfect. Thank you so much for sharing that. Thank you for sharing all of your email wisdom with us, and thank you so much for taking the time to come and talk to me.

[00:31:41] Sarah Anderson: Thank you for having me. This was so fun.