Q1 Round Up & Reflections – Behind The Scenes in my Business

April 19, 2021

In this episode I’m recapping the first quarter of 2021 – from what went well in business to what didn’t go as planned, some personal wins, and what’s coming down the pipeline for Q2! As with most businesses, there are many ebbs and flows and it’s important to share more than just the highlight reel! I want to be transparent in my growth and learnings, and where I may need to reassess going forward.

I share:

  • Q1 wins and how I celebrated
  • Passing up an opportunity that wasn’t in alignment
  • One of the most exciting things I was able to do personally 
  • Why it’s important for introverts to connect with others in meaningful ways
  • New service offerings
  • Some resources I use in my everyday life

Resources Mentioned:

The Emotion Code: How to Release Your Trapped Emotions for Abundant Health, Love, and Happiness by Bradley Nelson

Glo Yoga App

Insight Timer Meditation App

Good Notes App