Start with one

December 16, 2020

My clients are introverts & sensitive entrepreneurs, just like me. The idea of doing too much at once can lead us into major overwhelm (which, ironically, then leads to us doing nothing at all!)
Nothing causes this more than the thought of showing up on every single social media channel all of the time
(I’m tired just reading it!)
And if you feel the same, I have good news…
You don’t need to
What you DO need to do (& what I get my clients to do) is start with one. One channel. One type of content.
Get comfortable with it. Get confident. And get consistent
Once you have that one down like a well oiled machine?
THEN think about adding something else
My own visibility strategy includes 5 grid posts per week on Instagram, stories 6 days weekly (including video), posting & engagement in numerous Facebook Groups, a weekly podcast, a weekly newsletter, being a guest on podcasts, & running my own Facebook Group which includes hosting free co-working & group coaching
If you had told me this at the end of July, when I started showing up consistently by committing to just 4 Instagram grid posts per week (which felt like a LOT to me) I would have been running VERY quickly the other way…
But because I solidified each part & built up slowly, the above is my new normal & I promise you it feels EASY
So if you’re feeling overwhelmed or like you can’t be everywhere at once, take a step back & think: What can I commit to doing consistently from today onwards?