Struggling with content creation?

September 28, 2020

Do you find content creation hard work as an introvert?
It was the thing that held me back in business for the longest time…
And knowing how to write consistent content that connects with your target audience is pretty important if you’re an online business owner like me!
So whether you’re overwhelmed, out of ideas or just plain sick of writing, here are some ways to get back on the content train with more inspiration & less procrastination:
❌ Stop consuming – seriously. Give yourself a ‘content consumption’ break. As introverts, more information can really hinder our creativity. Instead of focussing on what everyone else is writing, your brain gets to rest it’s attention on what YOU want to write
🤫 Enjoy the silence – make sure you have some time each day where your thoughts can wander. It’s so tempting to listen to music, podcasts or audiobooks while we’re exercising, driving or cooking. Now I’m ALL for multitasking, but our brain also needs to just ‘be’ at times too. Take some quiet time daily to help those ideas come flooding
🗓 Have a plan – leaving it up to chance? Seeing what you ‘feel’ like posting? (Or hoping you’ll come up with something worth sharing…) I get it, sometimes as introverts we can push back against too much structure, but getting your content mapped out in advance is key. Whether it’s for the next week, or for the entire next 3 months like you get in my Clarity to Clients Intensive, having a plan is THE way to ensure you’re posting regularly
Regular posting = visibility
Visibility = know, like, trust
Know, like, trust = CLIENTS
I’d love to know – which of these are you going to try out?