The power of ‘I am’

September 29, 2020

“You’re a runner, you’ll know the best place to buy running shoes around here”
There was a slight satellite delay when I heard my former colleague say this
First I thought ‘who’s he talking to?’
Then I realised he was looking at me…
It didn’t quite compute or make sense
I mean, I went running 3 times a week & entered some short distances races…
But honestly
A runner?
In my mind I didn’t feel like a runner
I was just someone who went for a run
Same same right? But also TOTALLY different…
While I was doing all the things runners do, I hadn’t actually allowed it to become part of my identity
It was ‘something I did’, not ‘who I was’
Let’s apply this logic to your business…
Do you design websites, or are you a web designer?
Do you coach people, or are you a coach?
Do you want a 6 figure business, or do you want to be a 6 figure business owner?
You may have answered ‘well, both!’ – the differences are oh so subtle…
Research has shown over & over again that people who say ‘I’m a smoker’ find it much harder to quit than those who say ‘I smoke’
When we allow a behaviour, trait or habit to ‘become us’ it creates a massive change in our mindset…
Now if you fully take on this identity as ‘a smoker’ but want to quit, your mindset is really going to go against you
However, if you really start to identify as, say, ‘a successful business owner’ vs ‘owner of a successful business’ then some subtle shifts may begin to happen…

If you say ‘I own a successful business’, then you own a successful business. That’s amazing! But as a statement it’s very factual & pretty un-emotive. It doesn’t have much energy or identity behind it

So let’s try ‘I am a successful business owner’

Boom 💥

The power of ‘I am’

‘I am’ is where the magic happens. Where you really step into, own, embody, whatever term you prefer, YOUR identity within that success

‘I am a successful business owner’ leads to a beautiful cycle of:
💃🏻 You feeling like a successful business owner
💪🏼 Therefore acting like a successful business owner
💰 These actions leading to more success
🎉 Which increases the feeling of success
↗️ Leading to acting more like a successful business owner…
And on and on and on…

Our thoughts and actions are so connected that even that subtle shift in how we perceive ourselves can have a HUGE effect on our identity

And it was true – I was a runner. Seeing myself that way really boosted my confidence, & gave me the push to move outside of my comfort zone to enter a half marathon

So tell me – what ‘I am’ statement can you adopt right now to benefit your business & mindset?