Values Based Marketing and Email as a Long Term Strategy with Tarzan Kay

May 23, 2022

Welcome to today’s episode, where I’m interviewing Tarzan Kay – a former copywriter-for-hire who specialises in emails that are fun to read, and more addictive than Netflix! We chat about ethical, values based marketing, understanding your audience, growing your email list and not putting all of your real estate in social media.

Tarzan teaches her students how to write story-based copy and make consistent sales from a small email list, without using fear or FOMO. Part of her company’s mission is to make high integrity marketing the new status quo for online business.

We dive into:

  • Being persistent and consistent with your message (and why it matters)
  • How Tarzan niched down into emails and sales pages, and transitioned from writing for clients to writing for herself
  • Maintaining a well nurtured email list and how it helps your business
  • Short and long term email strategies, and why you need both
  • What do we really mean by ethical or values based marketing?
  • The art of persuasion, and how to use it without feeling icky


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Tarzan Kay
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