Why LinkedIn is the Most Introvert Friendly Platform with Lindsay Mitrosilis

August 30, 2021

If you’re an introvert, you want to be on LinkedIn. On today’s episode of the show is LinkedIn strategist Lindsay Mitrosilis, who joined me to talk about why LinkedIn is the most introvert friendly platform and how you can grow your network and your business in a way that feels good. I learned a few surprising things, and I know you will too!

Lindsay and I discuss:

  • How LinkedIn is a holistic platform for business owners and candidates
  • The big differences between LinkedIn and other social media platforms
  • Knowing which content is right for you on on LinkedIn
  • How to find your ideal clients on LinkedIn
  • The fastest way to start building your LinkedIn network in a credible way
  • How to repurpose your content for LinkedIn

Lindsay Mitrosilis helps impact driven business owners add linkedin to their marketing & lead generation toolbox so they can win more business. If you’re ready to win at LinkedIn, visit her website to learn how you can work together today. 

Linsey’s book recommendation for The Ambitious Introvert:

Why She Buys by Bridget Brennan

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Click here for a raw, unedited transcript of this episode

[00:00:00] Emma-Louise Parkes: Hi guys, welcome to this week’s episode of the Ambitious Introvert Podcast with me, Emma Louise, and an episode that I have been really looking forward to recording, mainly because I am looking forward to learning from today’s experts now. Marketing is obviously a huge thing for all of us in our business.

And I love to look for ways that are introvert friendly and one that I’m starting to explore myself, but don’t know too much about is linked in. It’s something that a few of my clients who work with corporates use very, very effectively, and I know that it is growing like crazy. So I have bought it. The perfect person to tell us why LinkedIn is the best introvert, friendly platform that we can find.

Lindsay. Hello? 

[00:00:47] Lindsay Mitrosilis: Hello. Oh, I’m so excited to be here. 

[00:00:50] Emma-Louise Parkes: I’m so excited to finally chat to you about this. Tell my audience who you are and what your business does. 

[00:00:56] Lindsay Mitrosilis: My name is Lindsay maitre Sealys and I am a LinkedIn mentor and business strategist for impact driven business owners, leaders, and influencers.

And. I am all about all things, LinkedIn and helping you grow and win and scale your business through the platform. 

[00:01:16] Emma-Louise Parkes: So the first thing I would love to ask is why LinkedIn, how did this happen? That you became this expert in this one platform? 

[00:01:23] Lindsay Mitrosilis: Yeah, so good question. I actually, I had a corporate job and I was in staffing sales, which is of course, you know, LinkedIn is like the first tool that we would use.

Clearly and what it is used for what most people think is used for is, you know, finding a job, finding candidates and all those things. But I was on the sales side, so I wasn’t necessarily looking for candidates. I was looking for clients. Um, and I just started leveraging the platform, connecting with my ideal clients and, and, you know, I had to be very creative in my approach of getting in front of these people.

Just because of the parameters that are set on, um, you know, how we work with these massive clients. And so I was doing that for 10 years, aside from, I mean, I was also helping, um, candidates kind of, you know, optimize their profile. Right. Because in that world, As a candidate looking for a job, you are, you’re selling yourself, you’re selling, you know, what you do, and their client is a hiring manager.

And so, um, you know, I’ve always been involved in that again for about 10 years. And then, uh, last year during COVID, someone had asked me, Hey, can you teach us as business owners, how to use LinkedIn to get more sales? And I said, sure. You know, of course I do. And it just spun into this, the LinkedIn bootcamp and, you know, fast forward to October, 2020, I left my corporate job and now I do this full-time and I haven’t looked back and it’s so much fun.

[00:02:52] Emma-Louise Parkes: So I love that you’ve got this really holistic view of LinkedIn as well from both angles from being like, oh, this is how to sell on there, but also for candidates, like this is almost how to market yourself on there too. 

[00:03:04] Lindsay Mitrosilis: Yeah. I mean, because when you think about it, whether it’s a candidate or a business owner, they have the same goal in mind.

The same end goal is to

that client for their business, but it’s all the same things. It’s the same strategy. Um, in order to, to do business on LinkedIn, 

[00:03:24] Emma-Louise Parkes: I’m going to ask you that question again. Cause my internet just. Oh froze. I know, literally just cut halfway through, through you at talking. Um, so I’ll go from your bit. So I, I basically said the fact that it’s holistic and that you’ve got your selling and people marketing themselves.

[00:03:43] Lindsay Mitrosilis: Yes. So essentially, you know, when you look at a candidate looking for a job or a business owner, looking to win more clients, the strategy is still the same, right? Like the client, the candidate is looking to their business that they’re trying to. It’s to land that job with that hiring manager as a business owner, you know, the same thing, we’re trying to find our ideal clients and to land and win more business with them.

Same underlying approaches. Um, just, you know, you’re in a different position. If you will. We want to market ourselves as the go-to person, as the thought leader, as the expert, as the specialists that you want to hire, whether it be for me, you know, for us at a corporate company or as a business owner. For us to work with them.


[00:04:28] Emma-Louise Parkes: do you still feel really passionate about LinkedIn? 

[00:04:32] Lindsay Mitrosilis: I feel even more so passionate about LinkedIn than I did in my corporate job. Like, I, I love that. People are thinking about LinkedIn differently. And it’s like my mission to like help you win as a business owner on LinkedIn. And I think the reason why especially now is because, you know, after we’d gone through COVID in 2020, people are even more so burnt out on Instagram and Facebook.

And whether it’s, you know, the added pressures that Instagram and Facebook brings with their algorithm, the constant changes, you know, reels came in and, oh my gosh, you know, like all of the things that people feel like they have to do to show up on Instagram and Facebook, just to, when they’re at the attention of their ideal client versus on LinkedIn, you don’t have to do any of that.

You don’t have to do any of that. It’s all about connecting and networking with the right people, posting content that your ideal client wants to read or watch. Um, and just, and being forthcoming about doing that. It takes all the fluff away and you get down to the core of like what it is you’re really doing on a platform.

[00:05:40] Emma-Louise Parkes: Something I do hear from my audience over and over again, is this like frustration with Instagram and Facebook of like, oh, this has changed. And I’ve been doing this. And I got like 200 views on each story and now I’m getting 20 and I haven’t done. Anything, any different, or, you know, I’ve done this hashtag strategy and I’ve been, you know, really learned about it and invested a lot of time and money into what to do.

And a month later it’s changed and I’m not getting the reach anymore. 

[00:06:09] Lindsay Mitrosilis: Oh, it’s, it’s just one thing after the next. It feels like with Instagram and Facebook, you know, and on LinkedIn, you know, when I tell people is the differences is Instagram and Facebook make money. Based on ad spend. They can change the algorithm, how they want all these things, right.

LinkedIn, it’s not the same business. Um, what am I looking for? So the same business model, LinkedIn, though, you can have a free account. You know, they also make money, right by people having memberships for premium, for LinkedIn recruiter for the different, you know, there’s like four different, uh, membership styles or types on LinkedIn that people can.

So they make money. That way you can, you can do ads on LinkedIn and all those things are great. But when I’m talking to someone who’s starting out on LinkedIn, get a free LinkedIn account. You don’t need LinkedIn premium to start. Um, you don’t need to spend money on ads, just start creating a really good thoughtful content, know who your ideal client is and connect with them.

Those are like the three things you need to do to get started on LinkedIn that are simple, especially for introverts. Like we were talking earlier, like, That is the most simple strategy I can give someone that can get started right away and really start to win with money. 

[00:07:27] Emma-Louise Parkes: Something you touched on there is like the difference between it versus Instagram and Facebook, and yet all the changes in the algorithm.

And that is definitely a thing for people. I think the stimulation piece is really huge as well, because for me, I go on Instagram, it’s very, I’m going to say loud and inverted commerce. And what I mean by loud is colorful and there’s reels and things are moving and people are, you know, there’s video everywhere and the stories at the top and this ads popping up.

Yeah. It visually it’s very, very busy. As, uh, as a platform, because obviously it’s a visual platform. It’s, it’s trying to get your attention. And it works very well for that. When I look on LinkedIn, I feel very calm. 

[00:08:09] Lindsay Mitrosilis: It’s very 

[00:08:10] Emma-Louise Parkes: white. It’s very kind of professional located. Yeah, of course there are photographs and graphics and things, but it just has a different feel if you know, 

[00:08:20] Lindsay Mitrosilis: Absolutely.

And you know, it’s funny, you’re the first person I’ve talked to that actually that likes that aspect of like free with you. I like it too. Um, and it just kind of gives your mind a little bit of a break, you know, and it’s funny, that’s where most people feel like, I don’t know how to use LinkedIn because it’s not this big flashy, colorful space.

I don’t know that I want to be there because it’s not visually appealing or ascetically. Pleasing, you know, and that’s where people will say, it’s just so unsexy. But what I say is that to your point, it’s like, well, you can just go in, get some business done and get out. And that is what’s sexy. I mean, you can save time.

You can be really thoughtful and strategic on how you use the platform. You mentioned earlier that there’s things that you like to read on LinkedIn, and it’s not just like constantly coming at you with all these colors and videos and all these things. It really is. I think a platform that kind of stuff.

Our business and our mindset to the next level, 

[00:09:20] Emma-Louise Parkes: something that, and you know, this could just be the people I follow on there and the limited amount of time I’ve spent, but something I see is that the content is very thoughtful. See as many people post and for the sake of posting, I feel sometimes with Facebook and Instagram, people are like, I’ve got to post every day.

So I’m just going to throw out like a conversation starter or I’m just going to put a quote or something almost for the sake of putting it. Most of the things I say on LinkedIn, or like a link to a thoughtful article, or really share in that your deepest thoughts 

[00:09:52] Lindsay Mitrosilis: on something. Totally. And I mean, you’re going to see, I mean, You’ll see, I mean, I see, um, on LinkedIn, sometimes people are, they’re just trying to throw whatever they can out there to see what sticks on LinkedIn.

So people will totally reshare Instagram quotes on LinkedIn. Um, and they noticed like those fall flat because people don’t want that on LinkedIn. They want thoughtful content. They want, you know, what’s what are your insights? What, what’s your take on the industry that you’re in? Um, you know, people are looking for.

Thoughtful insightful, valuable educational content. That’s the type of content that does really well on LinkedIn and at its core. You know, I tell people all the time with all social media, people do not follow you on Instagram, Facebook, whatever, mostly because they care about whatever’s going on in your life.

They care about what does this mean to you? You know, so, and I kind of a harsh reality, but it’s like most people like my mom following me on Instagram, she wants to see my daughter, you know, for, you know, like what I’m up to that day. But most people on Instagram that are not streaming family or close friends, they’re following you because they’re thinking what’s in it for me.

When I scroll on Emily, Louise’s Instagram, what am I going to get out of it? And the same thing applies on LinkedIn. And that’s why you can cut through all the fluff on LinkedIn and just post. That meaningful, meaty, juicy content that you have. 

[00:11:21] Emma-Louise Parkes: So we can really go with quality over quantity. I’m LinkedIn.

Absolutely. Oh, see, that’s an introvert’s dream. I mean, we, we always really love to go deeper and understand something a bit deeper, but I know the accounts that I follow in various places, I would rather see two really great posts a week than seven kind of insipid. 

[00:11:43] Lindsay Mitrosilis: Absolutely. And so for you, something like, you know, are you, do you like to write a lot?

[00:11:48] Emma-Louise Parkes: do like to write, I do. 

[00:11:50] Lindsay Mitrosilis: So articles would be a really great, uh, content piece for you on LinkedIn because LinkedIn loves articles and it’s a great opportunity for us as entrepreneurs. To go deep on something that we’re very passionate about. Um, that gives again, insight to the industry that we’re in. Um, and so if you’re talking about, you know, loving to go deep and really read, I guess, thorough and just kind of sit in some ideas and thoughts you an article that is for sure, a great type of content, a piece of content, you could go all in on.

[00:12:28] Emma-Louise Parkes: But I guess my next question would be as someone that doesn’t know too much about it, I’m an online business strategist and mindset coach. So all my ideal clients on LinkedIn and are they going to find me, see me and, you know, think about wanting to work with me because I still think of LinkedIn as oh, it’s corporates or people sat in offices.

[00:12:52] Lindsay Mitrosilis: Yup. Yup. Great questions. Let me ask you some questions back around this. How would you describe your ideal client? Uh, 

[00:13:00] Emma-Louise Parkes: my ideal client is an ambitious introvert. Someone that is looking to grow and scale their online business. 

[00:13:06] Lindsay Mitrosilis: Okay. So they’re not in, they don’t work a full-time job or some do have a side hustle, uh, 

[00:13:11] Emma-Louise Parkes: some, uh, side hustles, but most awful time entrepreneurs.

Okay. So 

[00:13:17] Lindsay Mitrosilis: just about the side hustle piece, 71% of LinkedIn members have a side hustle. Wow. I have a side hustle, so likely. And, you know, we don’t know to what level or what magnitude of that they could be. Part-time corporate and they still work there, their full-time job. And they’re just saying it’s a side hustle, but really they work at 40 hours a week.

Yeah. I mean, you know, I don’t know. So there’s. Um, you could also be tapping into people who are on their way out of corporate, who are going to be starting a full-time business, or they’re just, maybe they’re three months out from making the leap. Right. Like I left my corporate job just last October, but I’ve been working a business on the side for four years waiting for that moment.

So, you know, there’s, there’s that, aside from that, there’s a ton of people who are on there that are not. They do have, like, there’s a ton of people there that have a full-time business. They know how to leverage LinkedIn for their business, or they want to. And so they are hanging out there there’s 750 million plus it’s growing every day, 750 million users on LinkedIn.

I would have to bet that being very conservative. 1% of that number is your ideal client. Can you imagine tapping into 750,000 people? That would be your ideal client? I mean, I think that’s the right math, right? 1% of 700 

[00:14:40] Emma-Louise Parkes: I’m sold without maths. I’m I’m sold, even if it was like 0.1% of it to be a great 

[00:14:47] Lindsay Mitrosilis: return and don’t quote me, cause I’m not, I don’t math.

That’s what I always say. I don’t math, but I mean, even if it was 75,000 people, that’s a lot of people that you could have, right. I just a captivated audience on LinkedIn. Again, you don’t have to post any fluff. You can get right to the core of what you know, to be true in your business. And what’s true for, you know, introverts in business.

Um, you can be seen as the thought leader. The other thing I love telling people is that 44% of LinkedIn users make over $75,000 a year, which is what. British pounds. 

[00:15:21] Emma-Louise Parkes: Um, probably about 60, 50, 60,000 a year at the moment. Yeah. 

[00:15:27] Lindsay Mitrosilis: Okay. And that’s a lot of money, which means. And so here’s the thing that means that LinkedIn, um, has the, the highest paying web audience out there.

It’s more than Facebook. It’s more than Twitter, probably more than Instagram. You know, these are people that are willing to invest. They’re willing to spend money on high ticket coaching programs, mastermind services, it’s like a no brainer for them. And they also are there. They know they’re there to do business, you know, so you can be very upfront about what it is.

You do products and services, coaching services, and all the things that you offer. And it’s fun. 

[00:16:08] Emma-Louise Parkes: You make such a good point about the side hustle. And I can’t reiterate this enough because I have made this mistake in the past and I’ve seen my clients do it over and over again. It’s like, oh, I’ve got a sales call.

Let me look this person up. And they’ve got no social media for their business or very early days, social media. And we tell ourselves the story of, oh, they’re too new in business. They’re not going to be looking at. And fast, you know, all of these things. And then we find out that they’re still in employment and they’re actually earning like 80,000 pounds a year.

And they’re looking to invest too, because you know, they’re looking to leave, like you say, in three months or six months. And they’re like, yeah, you know, he go are painful, but we make that assumption. Because their business doesn’t look like it’s established that maybe they’re not in the position financially, but we don’t know what’s going on.

We don’t know that Liston full-time job. Right. 

[00:16:58] Lindsay Mitrosilis: Oh my gosh. That is such a great point. No, and we don’t have any idea, you know, and, and how many, and it’s so true for not just this situation, but I mean, how many times have you, I mean, I’ve heard about, um, you know, people using a really high-end business coach.

Or joining a super high end mastermind and you go look them up even on Instagram. And you’re like, they only have a thousand followers. Like they can’t be that great, but that has nothing to do with how great they are, how valuable they are. Maybe they just got started. Maybe they don’t focus on Instagram.

You know what I mean? Like it’s so true. We have no idea where people are at and yeah, to your point, man, people are, I mean, again, the 71% of LinkedIn users have a site. You have a side hustle and, and what I would say, even if you were again, conservative in those numbers, let’s say half those people have a goal of going full time.

What if you could help them go full time in their business? 

[00:17:59] Emma-Louise Parkes: It could be that person. You can be the hero. 

[00:18:01] Lindsay Mitrosilis: Yeah. You can totally support and serve them, you know, in getting there and people want to, they, they want that time and financial freedom. If you can help them do that, they will pay. 

[00:18:12] Emma-Louise Parkes: Okay. I do love it.

I love it. So, um, as you know, I am already sold on LinkedIn because it’s something that I am looking to looking to grow. So I have been very excited about this. You said like free profiles, absolutely fine. For people to start, literally get on there for free. Get your details on there. What is the fastest way to start building your network?

I’m going to say a credible way. I’m guessing not the, you know, connections of, Hey, I’d love to connect because we’re in the same network that okay. I seem to get every day. 

[00:18:43] Lindsay Mitrosilis: Let’s address that really quick for anyone that’s doing that now. It’s okay. But we’re going to stop today. It ends here, right?

Because you now know better, you know how to, I’m going to share with you how to send a good connection message. And then we’ll talk about how to really get started. A good connection message. You were sharing the intention as to why you want to connect no more. Hey, we’re in the same network no more. Hey, we have some common people in, you know, we have some people in common essentially, and that’s why we should connect when you receive that message.

It doesn’t make you want to connect. I’ll go and look at who do we have in common. And most times, if you’re like me, you know, where we used LinkedIn long ago, and we’ve just connected with random people, because we didn’t know what we were doing. I don’t know these people. And if that’s the basis you want to connect on, I’m not going to connect with you.

So we want to make sure that we’re stating our intention for the connection. What is it that you want out of this person or not want out of this person, but what do you want out of the connection, the relationship to build with this. And again, you only have 300 characters when you’re sending a connection message.

So be thoughtful, be short, sweet, and to the point. And that’s it, but no more, no more. Hey, we’re in the same network. 

[00:19:59] Emma-Louise Parkes: I must get about five of those a day or, you know, the occasional person will be like, Hey, I see you’re a coach. 

[00:20:08] Lindsay Mitrosilis: Yeah. And then, and then respond back. Do you respond back with, are you looking for one, are you looking for a coach?

[00:20:14] Emma-Louise Parkes: I usually don’t respond, um, to things like that, but it is just very, or I think there must be bots on there. 

[00:20:23] Lindsay Mitrosilis: There are box. 

[00:20:24] Emma-Louise Parkes: I go on the other day and it said, oh, hi, how is it going? And then it was just obviously one of my skills or something that it had picked up and it didn’t make any sense as a sentence.

I was like, where is it? I think it was like, you know, how’s it going at hosted podcast? Yeah, because I’d obviously put that in the title. I was like, Hmm. 

[00:20:47] Lindsay Mitrosilis: I took it. I didn’t think you’re real. No, I know what it’s funny. I’ve I’ve found myself responding to people where, I mean, they’ve said like, Hey, are you interested in how to get more leads and sales on LinkedIn?

Did you read? Did you read my LinkedIn profile? Do you know what I do? Headlines? Yeah. Yeah. But, but back to like where’s can someone get started, especially from like a free LinkedIn account? It’s really making sure that profile is set up to attract your ideal clients. Do you have a headline that is search engine optimized.

Okay. We have 120 characters there. Let’s use that space for the keywords that your ideal client is going to be searching for, like in a Google search to find you. So are you a coach? Are you, you know, you’re a specialist in this, an expert in that you can use all these. Keywords in your headline there. Um, I always tell people, avoid getting too creative.

They’re saying that you’re, you know, a business ninja for introverts looking to start their side hustle, you know, likely someone’s not searching that in a Google search. Now, if you want to say that you’re a ninja, you’re a guru, you’re a wizard. And all these things put that in your about section. That’s really where you can get so creative, but we want to keep that headline search engine optimized.

And really use those key words. Um, you know, make sure you have a profile photo that’s updated and recent. We don’t want to catfish people. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had conversations with potential clients where I, you know, I see their LinkedIn and then we get on a zoom call and I’m like, is this the same person?

Like, they look so different. We want to make sure it’s updated within a year. Okay. Also, uh, your background banner photo should be used as a billboard for your business. Most people have that stock photo. You can go into canvas and create your own unique background banner, or we say, use that as a billboard for your business.

Give your call to action. And then the last test of mine. Perfect. Yes. Good, good. There you go. And then in your about section, that’s really like a mini sales page for whatever it is you’re looking to promote. I always tell them. You know, promote your anchor product. Um, so if you’ve got a business accelerator program, if you’ve got a podcast or, you know, wanting to drive people to a Facebook group, a free resource, whatever it is, talk about that there in the about section.

Um, and, and again, give another call to action for people to kind of make that next step in your sales funnel. So that would be the profile you want to have an optimized profile. And then really be very clear on who your ideal client is, because that’s going to help you identify who you need to go out and connect with.

I always to have a connection strategy, right? Like you don’t need to go and delete people in your current network. If they’re not your ideal client, don’t do that. You never know who could be an ideal client down the road, but build moving forward. So know who your ideal clients are. Um, and I always say, you know, for, for you, if it’s online business owners or people that might have had a sidebar.

What I tend to find is true is that most people that have a side hustle, um, you know, some people are in sales because they just, they got that sales bug. And so maybe they they’ve got their side hustle, so maybe seek out, uh, salespeople, um, You know, just like whatever, I mean, you’ll know your ideal client better than I do, but when you really kind of search and ask, you know, um, your former clients or people you’re currently having conversations with, if they’re still in corporate, you know, what is it that they do and see if you can identify those people that way.

[00:24:27] Emma-Louise Parkes: I love it because you make it sound so simple and it 

[00:24:29] Lindsay Mitrosilis: is that’s, what’s so crazy, you know, I think it’s so simple that we overcome that. Yeah. 

[00:24:35] Emma-Louise Parkes: Yeah. I can see that. I think for a lot of my audience and certainly for me, it’s almost like another planet. Like really, if I got to learn another platform, how long do I need to commit to this each day?

And you can feel like you’re on this treadmill of like jumping from website to website, to website to market your business. 

[00:24:55] Lindsay Mitrosilis: Yes. Okay. I totally hear you because I too want to make sure that I’m really spending my time wisely. Right? We want to make sure that we’re, we’re spending our time. That’s ROI positive for us in our day for us in our business, us in our personal life.

Um, and when I tend to, um, To find what people say that, um, it’s that they, so our primal brain there’s little science, our primal brain wants to keep us safe. Right? That is, that is the goal of our brain is to keep us safe. And so what we do is we start to compare other things. Um, to this thing that we’re unfamiliar with.

So for example, LinkedIn, most people compare LinkedIn to Instagram and not necessarily the visual aspects, but the grind, the Instagram grind that we all go through in creating content, having to engage hashtag strategy, all the different types of content we have to post and create for. And so we think automatically, well, if Instagram’s like that, then LinkedIn must be like that because that’s how our brain keeps us safe.

It starts to. And it’s just not just not the case. And I always tell people, you, you can repurpose your Instagram content for LinkedIn, not reshare repurpose repurpose. And so the tip I have there is what are the last 10 posts you’ve posted on Instagram that are the most meaty juiciest. They’ve got a couple takeaways for a yacht, your audience.

Those are the types of content that you can go repost or repurpose for LinkedIn. So you don’t have to reinvent the wheel. You don’t need to re create content. Just repeat it. 

[00:26:29] Emma-Louise Parkes: And I’m all about re-purposing because for introverts, let’s save time, let’s save energy and I couldn’t agree more like you should have your core content pillars that you’re talking about over and over again.

So you don’t need to keep coming up with new 

[00:26:41] Lindsay Mitrosilis: things. Yes. I actually just had this conversation with my husband, uh, two days ago. Um, are you familiar with who? Roughs Russell Brunson is? Yes. 

[00:26:51] Emma-Louise Parkes: Yeah. I used to have ClickFunnels back in the day. Yes. 

[00:26:54] Lindsay Mitrosilis: Okay. Bronson and every training I’ve ever seen him, he says, he’ll say it at least once I am talking about the same thing you have heard me say this before, I’m just presenting it to you in a new way.

Yeah. And isn’t that such a, like a sense of relief that we get, that we can talk about the same damn thing over and over and over again, and just repurpose it in a new way in a new format. And I knew, I knew. Type of, um, I don’t know what I’m trying to say, but you know, you can stick to your same content pillars, and it’s totally fine.

[00:27:29] Emma-Louise Parkes: Yeah. It’s not doing Russell any harm whatsoever because I don’t, I don’t even know what, how many figures a year click funnels turns over, but it’s gotta be eight or nine. Oh, 

[00:27:39] Lindsay Mitrosilis: it’s insane. He has an insane business. And again, he talks about the same thing all the time. 

[00:27:46] Emma-Louise Parkes: Hey go permission to repeat yourself over and over again and on different platforms, but just make sure that you repurpose it correctly for them.

[00:27:54] Lindsay Mitrosilis: Right. And it’s the same thing as like, you know, when you think about Pinterest or YouTube or any other platform, it’s no different, you’re not going to reshare it. Inspirational quote on YouTube, but we, you know, you can talk about an inspirational quote and then what were the takeaways and create a video, right?

Like you just have to think about your audience’s mindset. On the platform that you’re on. 

[00:28:17] Emma-Louise Parkes: Yeah. What do they come to consume? What do they want to get from that piece of content? Yeah. 

[00:28:22] Lindsay Mitrosilis: Oh, I meant to say this earlier. It’s so here’s the thing about consuming content on LinkedIn? Six out of 10 users are actively looking for insights they want.

[00:28:31] Emma-Louise Parkes: So the local tips and the value content. 

[00:28:34] Lindsay Mitrosilis: Yeah. They want the tips. That’s what they want. That’s what they want. I manage, um, an, a LinkedIn account. Someone, um, and he’s a motivational speaker and he does all this stuff. And so we’re evaluating the content as we’re posting, cause it’s still kind of trial and error.

You really have to just go for it and just see what works and what your audience likes. And what we’re finding is that the pieces of content that do the best are not what we put, not when we post a motivational speech clip, but when we post three to five takeaways for that, 

[00:29:06] Emma-Louise Parkes: And that’s, what’s popular with this audience.


[00:29:09] Lindsay Mitrosilis: And that’s what 

[00:29:09] Emma-Louise Parkes: people want on LinkedIn could actually be very introvert friendly, because we generally have a depth of knowledge about what we’re talking about, which we like to share and be seen as the expert. We don’t generally love the, I’m going to say vulnerable connection posts that the other platforms quite often call for people.

They go, oh, I want to share. Story, you know, I need to educate 

[00:29:31] Lindsay Mitrosilis: people. Oh, then LinkedIn is a thousand percent for introverts. What am I doing? I need to start saying if you’re an introvert, you gotta be on LinkedIn. And here’s why. 

[00:29:40] Emma-Louise Parkes: Yeah, I think so. We need to merge on niches, like 

[00:29:44] Lindsay Mitrosilis: a LinkedIn for introverts.

Course masterclass 

[00:29:49] Emma-Louise Parkes: masterclass. I love it. And the, in the works, keep looking out, everyone coming later in the year, Lindsey, this has been brilliant. Thank you so much for sharing all of your amazing LinkedIn insights with my audience. But before I let you go, of course, I’m going to ask you for your book recommendation for any ambitious introverts listening who are looking to grow and scale their online.


[00:30:11] Lindsay Mitrosilis: I will tell you, um, I am a sales girl at heart, and so I believe that if you you’re going to grow in scale, you have to sell. And the best book that I can recommend for that is the book why she buys by Bridget Brennan. It is my favorite book. Bridget’s incredible. She’s a genius. And she talks about how women are the number one buyers in the world.

And so if you’re not marketing or catering or thinking about women in how you sell, you know, how you set up your website, the services and offers that you provide with women in mind and you’re doing it wrong. It’s very interesting. And I don’t sell only to women anymore. I sell to men and women alike, but I certainly have women in the back of my mind when I’m creating certain aspects of my business, because women are the number one.

Drivers behind purchases. Number 

[00:31:09] Emma-Louise Parkes: one, I’ve got a story, a real life story, not an internet story that illustrates this perfectly. When years ago I went with a boyfriend when he was looking at new cars and we went into a Landrover showroom and this was his car. We didn’t live together. We didn’t have joint finance.

Like it was literally nothing to do with me. The salesman straight to me. Everything was directed at me or what do you, what do you think about Madam? Oh, let me open the door set in, because he obviously knew that in joint households, it’s going to be the woman that makes the decision. 

[00:31:49] Lindsay Mitrosilis: Yes. A hundred percent.

You know, what’s funny in the book, she opens with a story of a car buying situation. There you go. 

[00:31:57] Emma-Louise Parkes: And I could see it clear as day. Every other dealership was, you know, I was invisible because it was, you know, an expensive car or sports car, and there’s a guy there trying to out, but this one was different and I felt that’s some kind of sales training in the, oh, 

[00:32:12] Lindsay Mitrosilis: I just got the chills hearing that that is.

Incredible this, you would love the book, why she 

[00:32:18] Emma-Louise Parkes: buys. Hi. I am going to pop that in the show notes for anyone else. That’s interested and add it to my list myself. Thank you so much for sharing with us today. And I got to drop all of your links, everything in the show notes as well for anyone that wants to connect with you.


[00:32:31] Lindsay Mitrosilis: please do. I can’t wait to connect with your audience. Thank you.