5 Energy Leaks That are Slowing your Business Growth

August 8, 2022

Today’s episode is about 5 sneaky energy leaks in your business – that might be stopping you from growing and scaling. And even if your business is exactly where you want it to be, these leaks may still be depleting your energy, slowing you down, or making you work more than you need to for the same results.

It’s about the optimal use of your energy. So whatever stage you are at, whether you are early days, growing, established – if you’re an introverted, highly sensitive empath, these are the stealthy ones that may well be impacting you!

I’m sharing:

  • A quick what’s going on behind-the-scenes at The Ambitious Introvert ©
  • Information vs implementation (and which is more important)
  • Intentionality – are you consuming without really knowing why or questioning how it’s making you feel?
  • Comparing yourself to others in your space (and how to do it in an empowering way)
  • Working on your business vs working IN your business
  • Why boundaries matter with both your time and energy



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