6 Reasons You’re Not Making Sales (& How to Fix Them)

June 27, 2022

I’m back with a solo episode that’ll help you with the most important part of your business – making sales.

The high majority of people who apply to work with me say this is their number one problem, and while there are numerous things that can be preventing people pushing that ‘buy now’ button, I’m sharing the top 6 that I see over and over again. Even better – I’m sharing exactly what you can do to overcome them too!

Whether you’re new to business, looking to scale, raising your prices, or launching something completely new – basically if you’re selling something – this episode is going to be relevant to you!

I’m diving into…

  • Why not being clear on the transformation that you provide is holding you back from signing clients
  • How falling into the friend zone can affect your sales
  • Why you may not be telling everyone about your offer as much as you think you are
  • Selling your process vs selling the results (and why this actually puts your client off!)
  • Asking for the sale, simply
  • Your mind and heart are saying YES, but your subconscious is saying NO – what this means and why it could by the number one reason no one is buying



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