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Business with a Human Touch with Sara Vartanian

September 19, 2022

This subject doesn’t get enough air in the online space probably because everyone wants to talk about all those different things that will see immediate results and make money.  So we see a lot of talks online about marketing, getting out there, and making sales. But sometimes we can forget that there are people on […]

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Business with a Human Touch with Sara Vartanian

Emma-Louise Parkes and Annie Gitchuru headshots from podcast episode. Title reads: The Ambitious Introvert Podcast episode 89 Diversity, Equity & Inclusion for Empathic Business Owners with Annie Gitchuru

June 6, 2022

We believe in the need for diversity, equity & inclusion in our business, but as sensitive souls we often worry about doing or saying the wrong thing. Hopefully my discussion with Annie Gichuru today will help to answer your questions and put some of those fears to rest, enabling you to embrace DEI as an […]

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Diversity, Equity & Inclusion for Empathic Business Owners with Annie Gichuru

April 18, 2022

In today’s episode of the podcast, I’m discussing online summits. I cover what summits are, who they are good for and how they can present you as an expert in your field. I cover what it’s like attending a summit, speaking at a summit or holding your own… Oh and stay until the end to […]

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Online Summits – Are They Right for Introverts & HSPs?

mindset challenges

February 28, 2022

Hello, welcome to this week’s episode of the Ambitious Introvert! As you know, all of my guests are special, but this guest is very, very special because she’s one of my closest friends. Aimee Browne is an online business strategist and we have been a part of each other’s business journeys for almost two and […]

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The Common Mindset Challenges of Entrepreneurship with Aimee Browne [Part 1]

July 21, 2021

This is a conversation I have with so many of my clients, around how they presentthemselves online What do I call myself? Coach? Mentor? Consultant? What if people judge me?  What if I don’t have the correct certification/experience/accreditation? What if they think I’m a charlatan?  What if I have no proof?  What if they don’t […]

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You can’t be wrong in how you market your expertise

March 19, 2021

A little bit of competition is good for us My cat turns 13 next month, & for most of her life other neighbourhood cats have enjoyed the odd bowl of food or cat treat in my garden (like, most days – I’m a feeder) I asked the vet about this once, concerned this infringement on […]

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Competition is good for us

March 18, 2021

Mentor or Coach? Which type of support do you need? I was surprised now many coaches were out there when I joined social media in 2019 – since qualifying in 2006 I’d met only a handful! Suddenly they were everywhere! I quickly realised a lot of business coaches were actually ‘mentors’ – they were sharing […]

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Mentor or Coach

March 11, 2021

Creating a free download to grow your email list doesn’t have to be overwhelming… Keep it simple by following these tips… 1 – What is your ideal client’s biggest problem you can help them solve right now? Create a resource that helps them towards it, for example… If you’re a social media manager helping overwhelmed […]

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Creating a free download to grow your list

March 10, 2021

Why free downloads can be an introverted or sensitive business owner’s worst enemy… The 2 biggest challenges my clients often face in online business are overwhelm & overstimulation (plus the inability to take action these feelings cause) In an online space with so much information easily available it can be so easy to grab all […]

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Free downloads can be your worst enemy