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September 5, 2022

Building a business with an analytical mind that constantly craves evidence hand in hand with a culture of instant gratification can mean it is hard for us to believe that our strategy is working. It has left us all with serious trust issues! I have been over this many times with my clients. It has […]

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How to Have Trust That Things are Working (Even When you Haven’t Seen Results yet)

Emma-Louise Parkes and text that reads: Goal Setting Tips for Ambitious Introverts

August 22, 2022

Something I’ve seen over and over with my clients is a huge resistance to setting goals. There’s often a fear of not hitting them, and therefore ‘failing’ in their eyes. This brings up lots of emotions such as shame, and not being good enough. Which in turn leads to more resistance to set goals! But […]

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Goal Setting Tips for Ambitious Introverts

Emma-Louise Parkes with copy that reads: The Ambitious Introvert Podcast - 5 Energy Leaks That are Slowing your Business Growth

August 8, 2022

Today’s episode is about 5 sneaky energy leaks in your business – that might be stopping you from growing and scaling. And even if your business is exactly where you want it to be, these leaks may still be depleting your energy, slowing you down, or making you work more than you need to for […]

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5 Energy Leaks That are Slowing your Business Growth

August 1, 2022

How much consideration do you give to your working environment as an HSP and introvert? In this episode I’m speaking with my lovely friend Kristy Vail, a Certified Life Coach. For the last 3+ years she’s been helping sensitive and introverted individuals work through confidence-related challenges that impact their well-being. In addition to coaching, Kristy […]

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Creating your Perfect Environment as an HSP with Kristy Vail

July 25, 2022

Whether you’re making sales consistently in your business and want to add more revenue, or are looking forward to the day you’re in that position and ready to scale, then today’s episode is for you! I’m sharing 5 easy strategies, tweaks, and mindset shifts you can use to add revenue to your business  – without […]

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5 Ways to Add More Revenue to your Business – Today!

Headshots of Emma-Louise Parkes and guest for podcast episode on EFT

July 18, 2022

We’re almost two years into the podcast and I can’t believe it’s taken this long to dedicate an episode to one of my favourite mindset and energy modalities, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT).  However I promise you it’s been worth the wait, as today I’m chatting all things tapping with everyone’s favourite “EFT Wizard” Brad Yates! […]

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Tapping into Your Potential With Brad Yates

Emma Louise Parkes photo and title reads: 6 Reasons You're Not Making Sales (& How to Fix Them)

June 27, 2022

I’m back with a solo episode that’ll help you with the most important part of your business – making sales. The high majority of people who apply to work with me say this is their number one problem, and while there are numerous things that can be preventing people pushing that ‘buy now’ button, I’m […]

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6 Reasons You’re Not Making Sales (& How to Fix Them)

June 13, 2022

Today we’re taking a look at how other entrepreneurs run their business! My friend Kim Argetsinger is a mindset coach and business mentor who works with high achieving heart-centred passion driven creatives, entrepreneurs, and coaches. She helps them to build, grow and scale profitable businesses on their own terms (with a big emphasis on ‘your […]

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Owning your Zone of Genius to Grow a Business You Love with Kim Argetsinger

May 2, 2022

Welcome to this week’s solo episode, all about one of my favourite types of support – masterminds. I explain what masterminds are (and what they aren’t), why I believe they’re such a powerful container, some previous masterminders real world business results, and whether or not a Mastermind is right for you and your business. Plus, […]

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An Introverts Guide to Masterminds