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April 22, 2024

Some might think ‘introverted leader’ is a bit of an oxymoron… However those of us who deeply understand introverts aren’t surprised at all that they excel in this type of role! After doubting his abilities for many years, an unexpected public speaking event set Terrance Lee on a path he could never have imagined. Today […]

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The Pillars of Introverted Leadership with Terrance Lee

December 18, 2023

As a coach, podcaster and former air traffic controller, communicating effectively has been vital for me throughout my whole career. But communicating goes so much deeper than simply annunciating words clearly, and this week’s guest on The Ambitious Introvert® Podcast is explaining why compassion is often the missing piece. Kate Brown is a coach and […]

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Express with Empathy – The Art of Compassionate Communication with Kate Brown

June 26, 2023

This week on The Ambitious Introvert Podcast® I’m delighted to share my very first Client Spotlight episode with you. Lauren Lea is an OBM and fractional COO, and she has recently launched OBM Associates®, a new arm of her business. Lauren’s been a client since October 2022 and we’d been connected for around 6 months […]

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Client Spotlight with Lauren Lea

June 5, 2023

I knew I wanted to record an episode about running an online business with children, and who better than Yael Bendahan to share her experience. I mean, she has 5 children after all! Yael is a business and marketing coach who uses her unique Leveraged Moms Matrix to support her clients to raise their businesses […]

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Big Family, Big Dreams – Running a Business as a Busy Parent with Yael Bendahan

May 22, 2023

This week on the podcast I’m joined by my friend Kira La Forgia, HR and People Operations Consultant for small businesses. Kira had a 9-5 as a COO at a local company for many years, but since the pandemic she’s built her own business supporting her clients to manage their teams and stay legally and […]

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People Power: Why Understanding HR is Crucial for Entrepreneurial Success with Kira La Forgia

April 24, 2023

Welcome to this week’s solo episode of The Ambitious Introvert® Podcast, where I’m sharing what’s been going on behind the scenes this April. After a live launch in March I intentionally planned a quiet April, but I’ve still been busy working on some larger projects (and of course supporting my lovely 1:1 clients). I hope […]

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April Behind the Scenes Roundup

March 27, 2023

Q1 is already at an end! Today I’m sharing my monthly round-up of what’s been going on behind the scenes here at The Ambitious Introvert® and what I’ve been up to in life outside of business. Tune in to find out: EPISODE RESOURCES Circle.so Notion Cellular Awakening Book Co-working in London My in-person event with […]

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March Behind the Scenes Roundup

February 27, 2023

Welcome to this week’s episode of The Ambitious Introvert® Podcast, where I’m sharing a roundup of what’s been going on behind the scenes in February. I’m actually recording this a week before the release date, so consider this a three quarter roundup of the month so far! I’ve had a very content-heavy start to the […]

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February Behind the Scenes Roundup

February 13, 2023

Today on The Ambitious Introvert® Podcast I’m looking right back at the beginning of my online business journey. While I’ve been in the process of refining The Ambitious Introvert Academy® one of the statements I’ve used as a guiding compass is ‘I wish I had this when I started my business’. As it turns out, […]

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I Wish I Had This When I Started my Business…