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March 22, 2021

In this episode I’m joined by Tristan Cade. A serial entrepreneur, Tristan has spent time in the music industry, in sales, and as a creative before landing in his current passion – helping coaches & entrepreneurs book themselves full through social media. Tristan and I are debunking some common myths about Facebook groups as well […]

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Why Facebook Groups are your Friend

March 19, 2021

A little bit of competition is good for us My cat turns 13 next month, & for most of her life other neighbourhood cats have enjoyed the odd bowl of food or cat treat in my garden (like, most days – I’m a feeder) I asked the vet about this once, concerned this infringement on […]

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Competition is good for us

March 18, 2021

Mentor or Coach? Which type of support do you need? I was surprised now many coaches were out there when I joined social media in 2019 – since qualifying in 2006 I’d met only a handful! Suddenly they were everywhere! I quickly realised a lot of business coaches were actually ‘mentors’ – they were sharing […]

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Mentor or Coach

March 16, 2021

Why I don’t see other ‘introvert’ coaches as competition… I used to get triggered if I saw others doing the same thing as me online I’d have a barrage of thoughts run through my mind at once – it’s already been done, I need to be different, they’ve been around longer than me, they have […]

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Coaches as competition

March 4, 2021

The myth of ‘you just need a laptop & wifi to run an online business’ For some reason, people treat online business differently to offline ones They think certain things aren’t necessary or some rules don’t applyBut honestly… business is business is business There will always be… -Investments to make -Business & marketing plans to […]

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The myth of a laptop and wifi

March 2, 2021

I don’t have a massive overnight success story to share I didn’t struggle for years then hit on the ‘secret’ of success (or have it to ‘sell’ to you) I’ve never had a 6 figure launch, lived in Bali or joined a mastermind group full of the cool kids I didn’t come online & decide […]

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Overnight success

February 25, 2021

Imagine what you could achieve if you had permission to be yourself… If you weren’t wasting your energy trying to fit into someone else’s definition of success, or attempting to make a generic extrovert framework work for you If you weren’t questioning whether you’re cut out for online business at all, but instead creating a […]

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Permission to be yourself

February 19, 2021

Struggling to find your niche? I’ve been there, & seen many others in the same boat But you don’t have to resort to looking for the thing that’s most profitable, thinking you need something completely new no one has ever done, or consulting Google! Grab a pen & paper… these 3 questions will help give […]

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Struggling to find your niche

February 18, 2021

My client Laura is highly skilled & qualified (she’s one of a handful of people in the world to hold the Innermetrix Profiling qualification, used by Google, Tony Robbins & Yale Law School amongst others) But without a clear niche of who she helped, it was impossible for her to market her services in a […]

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Nailing your niche